
The Scent of Amsterdam - Klara Ravat

Workshop: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape.

3 Eyl 2016

Olfactory artist and performer Klara Ravat will finish her Amsterdam artist in residency with the workshop: The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape. Over the course of 6 hours you will collectively explore the neighbourhood of Mediamatic Biotoop, visit aromatic urban spaces and learn how to distill a scented memory of Amsterdam.


This workshop is sold out but you can come to Klara’s talk and performance at Odorama: Art + Distilling.


Distilling Found objects - Olfactory artist and performer Klara Ravat will join Mediamatic for an Artist in Residency program where she will try to capture the smell of Amsterdam. Klara Ravat

With: Klara Ravat

For whom

This workshop is suitable for anyone interested in exploring Amsterdam in a different way. No prior knowledge required, however, participants are asked to bring a smelly object or substance that reminds them of Amsterdam.


10:30 - 12:00 Introduction - What is smell and how to distill scent.
12:00 - 12:45 Smell Walk
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch Break (lunch not included)
13:30 - 14:30 Discussion of findings - What did we pick, why and what to distill?
14:30 - 16:30 Distillation


Smell Walking - Olfactory artist Klara Ravat creates smellScapes from urban environments. Klara Ravat

With: Klara Ravat

What will you do

After meeting in Mediamatic and Klara will start with a theoretical introduction on how smell works and introduce you to the different types of distillation processes. We will than walk take a short walk around Mediamatic’s neighbourghood, where Klara will guide us through specific urban aroma locations. In the meantime there is room to discuss and comment on our findings. The idea is to collect scented object that will later be distilled in Mediamatic’s Bio Clean Lab. Together we will distill a scented memory of Amsterdam which you will take home in the end.


The essence of plants - Distilling the essence of the city with olfactory artist Klara Ravat. Klara Ravat

About Klara

Klara Ravat creates media and odour artworks, installations and experimental films. By opposing the division between the realm of memory and the realm of experience, Ravat absorbs the tradition of remembrance art into daily practice. Klara will be part of an Artist in Residency program at Mediamatic, where she will work on the creation of a new performance, which be performed at Odorama: Art + Distillation. She will also speak about her work, together with Dutch installation artist Zeger Reyers.

The Scent of Amsterdam
Distilling Odors of an Urban Landschap with Klara Ravat
Saturday 3 Sept., 10:30 - 16:30
Ticket: €38,50,- Students + Artists** / €55 Regular
Facebook event

** Your ticket will also grant acces to Klara's talk and performance during Odorama: Art + Distillation on Sept 8th.
Please bring proof of your VAT or a student card.

Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkpark 6, Amsterdam


Guided Smelling by Klara Ravat - Olfactory artist and performer Klara Ravat  guiding one of the participant of the Workshop in her smelling experience. Margherita Soldati

With: Klara Ravat

Exploring the City through Smell - During the Workshop The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape, public was asked to divide in couple and explore the city through the smell. Margherita Soldati


03-09-2016 The Scent of Amsterdam - Car smell - The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape. Over the course of 6 hours you will collectively explore the neighbourhood of Mediamatic Biotoop, visit aromatic urban spaces and learn how to distill a scented memory of Amsterdam. Margherita Soldati


Couple starting their Smelling Trip - During the Workshop The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape, public was asked to divide in couple and explore the city through the smell. Margherita Soldati


Couple Smelling a Tree as Contribution to the Scent of Amsterdam - During the Workshop The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape, public was asked to divide in couple and explore the city through the smell. Margherita Soldati


Blinded Smelling - During the Workshop The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape, public was asked to divide in couple and explore the city through the smell. Margherita Soldati


Exchanging Experiences in Smell - People exchanging impressions on the smells collected during the workshop: The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape.  Margherita Soldati


Preparing Ingredients for Distilling Proces - Starting to prepare all the ingredients to distill during the workshop: The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape.  Margherita Soldati, Klara Ravat


Collecting All The Brought Scents of Amsterdam - Workshop: The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape. Now the girl is collecting samples of Amsterdam brought by the others participants to create 'The Scent of Amsterdam'. Margherita Soldati


Klara Ravat Preparing the Distiller - Olfactory artist and performer Klara Ravat is preparing the distiller to create a perfume during the workshop: The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape. Margherita Soldati, Klara Ravat

With: Klara Ravat

The Distilling Proces - All the ingredients collected are now in distilling. Workshop: The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape. Margherita Soldati, Klara Ravat


The Scent Of Amsterdam - Olfactory artist and performer Klara Ravat is distributing the 'Scent of Amsterdam' created during the workshop: The Scent of Amsterdam: Distilling Odors of an Urban Landscape. Margherita Soldati, Klara Ravat