The WEX Machine

Erik Borra and Roel Wouters

12 Haz 2009
12 Haz 2009
  • W139
  • Warmoesstraat 139, Amsterdam

The W139 EXtender is a mirroring portal extending the W to the WebWebWeb


Installatie W139 - In beta stage

The last couple of months Erik Borra and Roel Wouters have been working on the new website for the W139.

Friday 12 June

Friday 12 June around 21:00 they are ready to launch this project.
Start 21:00
- Talk of Florian Cramer, Lecturer in Media Design
- Erik Borra & Roel Wouters introduction into the WEX machine
- Live, collaborative opening performance on the WEX with the hottest band in town, SuperCity