<>TAG Presents: Feedback Structures

An audiovisual installation by feedbacksociety

27 Mar 2009
8 Mayıs 2009

As you may know <>TAG was invited to this year’s Club Transmediale (CTM) festival in Berlin to contribute and investigate the festival’s theme: Structures.
Art collective feedbacksociety was also present as part of the team and <>TAG has now invited them to reflect on our activities during the festival.

During a three week residency feedbacksociety (Arno Scheper en Renzo van Steenbergen) will process the outcome of the CTM Berlin project by creating a site-specific audiovisual installation. This installation of TVs, speakers and lights will emanate a growing number of images and sound carriers, generating a network of endless connections where each node has its significance.

The results of their investigation will be presented at an exhibition from March 27th until the 8th of May at <>TAG The Hague. For the occasion the Film and Motiondesign studio Motoko will make a short movie on miscommunication, which will be presented during the opening of the exhibition.

The opening will take place on the 27th of march from 19:00.


<>TAG Presents: Feedback Structures -

About the CTM Berlin project:

During the 10 days of the CTM festival <>TAG created a series of magazines. With no preconceived notion of what shape the magazines should take or what contents they should have.

Our team consisted of 14 members, all coming from different disciplines. To ensure everything went according to plan, there was an editorial team made up of five professionals experienced in magazine production. Together they formed a non-hierarchal team.

<>TAG started with a white, empty space and started from scratch: building furniture, setting up a workflow and talking about contents with the theme Structures in mind. This became an investigation into the essence of networks and networked societies.

During brainstorm sessions the magazines slowly took shape. An all-inclusive approach was devised and everybody was allowed to contribute to the magazine. Through interviews, photography, quoting from existing texts, cut&paste from websites and items provided by artists and public, three magazines were composed. Their structure representative of the process: associative and fragmentary.

By concentrating on three themes - Structures, Access, Strategy - <>TAG explored how structures are formed, communications take place and information is (successfully) transferred.

Ten days in a small place with a large group occasionally lead to some intense moments and conflict could not always be avoided. However, the collaborative effort can be seen as a reflection on the festival’s theme, the program of CTM and the setting up of an impromtu organization.

During the exhibition of Feedback Structures the results will be on display: three magazines, 120 pages and a blog with the documentation of the entire process (please check: tagstructures.wordpress.com)

We hope you enjoy it.

Many thanks to CTM for their trust and giving us this opportunity. We would also like to thank all other contributors and everybody who gave us their time and energy.

<>TAG rules.