book: Alexandra Juhasz 1 Oca 1995

Aids TV

identity, community and alternative video

How and why has video become the medium for so much Aids activism?

Camcorder Aids activism is a new form of political expression. It is an outburst of committed, low-budget, community-produced, political video work made possible by new accessible technologies. Juhasz looks at this phenomenon and especially why and how video has become the medium for so much Aids activism. However, she also tries to make sense of the bigger picture: how is this work different from mainstream television? How does it alter what we think of the media’s form and function? This results in a eloquent assessment of the role media activism plays in the development of community identity and self-empowerment.
Juhasz is an Aids video activist herself, so she blends feminist film critique with her own experience. All in all Aids TV offers a better understanding of the media, politics, identity and community in the face of Aids. Most of all it encourages and challenges those who hope to change the course of this crisis both in the 'real world' and in the world of representation.


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