Lunar Surface

Kimchi and Chips in collaboration with photographer Eunyoung Kim

17 Eyl 2015
22 Kas 2015

World renowned for their novel interactions involving people and media materials, discovering new technical and artistic paradigms, Seoul based duo Kimchi and Chips reapply their talents towards a new project: Lunar Surface. In collaboration with photographer Eunyoung Kim, TETEM's medialab welcomes back the artists to showcase their challenge to the wispy boundary between reality and virtuality.


Kimchi and Chips ism Eunyoung Kim - Lunar Surface - TETEM -

Created within the concrete caverns of the decommissioned Bucheon city Incinerator in South Korea, Lunar Surface contrasts its stagnant surroundings by beginning its creation process with what are traditionally considered to be the epitome of perfection and purity - perfect geometry and meters of unsullied white silk. Suspended, and animated with over 50 tonnes of blown air, the silk ripples through the space of the abandoned incinerator while tracked by a 3D camera projecting circles of white digital light. The foundational forms shone onto the fabric construct a synthetic yet alarmingly organic and familiar form from another reality. The delicate images are translated into the viewer's world through long exposure photographs, serving as a metaphor for the fourth dimension of time and its formative influences.

The process reveals as a captivating, lone orb suspended in space, scarred with texture and the appearance of rotational motion. Lunar Surface is a portal to exploring a virginal moon in another reality; a virtual plane articulating the ever dissolving border between the real and digital worlds.

Inspired by flags within the Bucheon industrial space and the 1q84 bestseller novels, Lunar Surface is a new period of Kimchi and Chips duo Elliot Woods and Mimi Son's study into 'air drawings', and with it the artistic interplay between technology and nature. The photo series Lunar Surface and its creative process are on view at TETEM art space from 17 September to 22 November. The screening room features a selection of Kimchi and Chip's internationally exhibited works.

TETEM art space
Stroinksbleekweg 16
7523 ZL Enschede
The Netherlands
Opening hours: Monday – Sunday 11:00-17:00
Entrance: free