Ignite Amsterdam 10

12 presentations x 5 minutes

28 Eyl 2011

Extracting proteins from fungi, the effects of psychedelic mushrooms, and the results of fungi-inspired jewelry design. Architectural exploration through Krijn de Koning's colorful interventions, and DHV's bizar plan to build a replica of Mount Fuji in the North Sea. Ignite Amsterdam 10 took place at Mediamatic Bank.


Audience at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer


Ignite is run by locals, for locals. Founded in Seattle, the events are held around the world. Ignite is fast-paced and merciless, but most of all they're fun, thought-provoking nights, full of fresh ideas and clever insights. Speakers get five minutes to present their idea. They make use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. A ruthless moderator will guarantee those five minutes aren't exceeded. Ignite serves as a platform for locals to connect offline and have a drink together. All presentations will be given in English.


Krijn de Koning

Krijn creates site specific, monumental interventions. Works that at once surround you and become one with their surroundings, but also defy the context they have been built into.


Krijn de Koning at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer


Chrysothrix Candelaris earrings - By Sarah Mesritz. Chrysothrix candelaris commonly grows on tree bark and does not show ascocarps or other reproductive structures, belonging to the group commonly known as the 'Fungi or lichens imperfecti'. Sarah Mesritz

Elsa Berends

Elsa is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Utrecht. She'll be talking about proteins excreted by filamentous fungi, and explore the possible usages of these proteins.


Elsa Berends at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer

With: Elsa Berends

Jan Henk Tigelaar and Pol Tummers (DHV)

Jan Henk Tigelaar, Pol Tummers, Paul Mul and Bram Vermaat of DHV are developing a plan for building 'Bergen in Zee' (Mountains-In-Sea), a 1:2 copy of Mount Fuji 10 kilometers off the Dutch coast. Find out what inspired these men to disrupt The Netherlands' soothing flatness.


Jan Henk Tigelaar at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer

Marnix Goossens

Marnix's pictures depict everyday scenarios and objects, sometimes found and sometimes constructed, but always with an uncanny twist. He'll be speaking about an artist book he is currently working on.


Marnix Goossens at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer

Noa Haim

Noa graduated from the Berlage Institute in 2004 and has been working on various projects concerning architecture, design, and urban strategies. She'll tell us something about Collective Paper Aesthetics, a physical modeling tool that enables users to envision and design large-scale structures.


Nieuwe Kerk - Stichting De Nieuwe Kerk heeft besloten om elk jaar een project van een contemporain kunstenaar, theatermaker of architect in het tentoonstellingsprogramma op te nemen. De enige inhoudelijke eis was dat de ruimte van de kerk als uitgangspunt moest dienen. Op 5 meter hoogte maakte De Koning een vloer van ruim 800 vierkante meter. Krijn de Koning


Bergen in Zee - Artist impression. Mount Fuji in de Noordzee. Taken from Pol Tummers' website.


Refunc work in the realm of architecture, art and design. Their material-based approach often sees them solving problems by giving new life to old materials.

Mark Janssen

Mark Janssen is the master of mycological gastronomy. What started as a hobby soon resulted in serious research and accompanying publications. He'll be introducing the world of mycophilia and mycogastronomy.

Peter Luining

Theorist, curator and artist, Peter's work concerns the pliability of the net. Experimenting with Flash and other tools, he creates environments (pages, engines, movies) that often include some sort of interactivity and sound.

Sarah Mesritz

Sarah designs jewelry inspired by nature and its constant process of growth. Inspired by lichen, and wanting to create her own, Sarah's graduation project (Maastricht Academy of Arts) saw her 'growing' lichen on her grandmother's jewelry.


Margarita on kombucha - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam, during Ignite Amsterdam 10. Anna Meijer


Primitive Warrior - Paper construction toy. Design: Collective Paper Aesthetics (Noa Haim). Noa Haim

Francois Lancien Guilberteau

An École des beaux-arts de Rennes graduate, Francois is currently living and working in Amsterdam, where he is participating in de Ateliers. His work questions, among others, our perception of the artist and the art space.


Sarah Mesritz at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer


Smart Patrol - Marnix Goossens is a Dutch photographer, working and living in Amsterdam. Marnix Goossens

Margarita Osipian

Margarita is heavily involved in the Paddestoelen Paradijs exhibition, and has acquired a love for Kombucha. She'll tell us more.


Noa Haim at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer

With: Noa Haim

Ivar Verploegh

Ivar has written several articles about psychedelic mushrooms and knows all about the psychological and spiritual background of the psychedelic experience. Find out more from this psychedelic expert.


Ivar Verploegh at Ignite Amsterdam 10 - Picture taken at Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. Anna Meijer