Ignite Amsterdam 15

12 presentations x 5 minutes

29 Şub 2012

From design and new technologies that deal with nature's intricate structures and workings, to game art and cat movies. We learned all about window agriculture and the first 3-dimensional model of a brain circuit. We discusses these and other things during this Ignite. View our upcoming Ignite events here.


Window Agriculture, 2011 Jose de la O - An alternative way to practice urban agriculture where there are no gardens or balconies around. Any window can be transformed into a personal parcel. Photo found on de la O Jose de la O


Ignite is run by locals, for locals. Fast-paced and merciless, Ignite evenings are fun, thought-provoking nights, full of fresh ideas and clever insights. Speakers get five minutes to present their idea. They make use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. Ignite serves as a platform for locals to connect offline and have a drink together. All presentations are given in English.


Hugo van de Poel

Hugo has a thing for cats and cat videos. His presentation will take you to the fantastic world of LOLcats and other cat memes. After five minutes you will be totally up-to-date on your online cat knowledge.


Olivier Otten presents Selfcontrolfreak - Olivier Otten at Ignite Amsterdam 15. Simone Schoutens

Driessens & Verstappen

Amsterdam based artist couple Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen have been working together since 1990. During Ignite Amsterdam 15 they will talk to us about their research into the human urge for purification and standardisation of products like potatoes and bell peppers, and the product Tomato Habitus, that reintroduces us to the common tomato.

Video of the Secret Sounds of Spores installation

José de la O

Anyone living in a big city knows what it's like to lack space to grow your own food. José might have found a solution: window agriculture. An alternative way of practicing urban agriculture when there are no gardens or balconies around.


Yann Seznec presents The Secret Sounds of Spores - Yann Seznec at Ignite Amsterdam 15. Simone Schoutens

With: Yann Seznec

Rob Wetzer and Sjoerd Knibbeler

Documentary photographers Rob and Sjoerd started the Bonsai Project in 2009. They are fascinated by the condensed experience of nature, and the opportunities that surface concerning cultivating nature.


Morfotheek #15 - Door Driessens en Verstappen. Drie vormcollecties reflecteren de menselijke drang tot purificatie en standaardisatie, door afgewezen producten te conserveren en daarmee de vormdiversiteit binnen de soort centraal te stellen. Morfotheek #8 (1994) is een collectie van 28 kopieën van aardappelen (jaerla) uitgevoerd in beschilderd aluminium. Morfotheek #9 (1997) bestaat uit 32 kopieën van wortelen (waspeen) en Morfotheek #15 (2011) uit 27 paprika's (groene, rode en gele blokpaprika), beiden… Driessens & Verstappen

Jesse van Dijk

Jesse Van Dijk traduced from Delft University of Technology with an MA in Industrial Design Engineering. He worked for a number of smaller game development studios, joined Guerilla Games, and moved to Seattle in 2011 to work for Bungie as a senior concept artist. Here to talk about his work.


Nicky Zwaan at Ignite Amsterdam 15 - Nicky Zwaan tells about making the visible invisible, and the invisible clear. Mediamatic Bank. Simone Schoutens

With: Nicky Zwaan


In 2008 Olivier started working on Selfcontrolfreak, an ongoing video series by which the viewer causes Otten to perform various actions through prescribed movements of the mouse cursor. This series resulted in an interactive film in January 2012.


Maria Verstappen - Maria Verstappen at Ignite Amsterdam 15. Simone Schoutens

Antal Ruhl

In his work, Antal researches the relation between nature and technology. Mold Fight sees various fungi going up against each other in a petri dish stadium.


Jorge Bakker - A performance by Jorge Bakker at Ignite Amsterdam 15. Simone Schoutens

With: Jorge Bakker

Jorge Bakker

Jorge's (Sandberg Institute graduate) architectural designs and sculptures reflect the delicate strength of nature.


Mattepainting opening scene Killzone 3 - For the opening scene of the game, Jesse did two 4K mattepaintings that were used in the skybox. The first one shows the mountainrange where prototype MAWLR cannons are fired. Copyright Guerilla Games. Picture found on jessevandijk.net. Jesse van Dijk

Arjen Ulrich

Arjen has been trying to live without producing any trash since August of 2010. He is documenting this process on a website, and will tell us more about it tonight.

Nicky Zwaan

Nicky is interested in making the visible invisible, and the invisible clear. In her work she often combines photography and video into site-specific installations.


Rob Wetzer and Sjoerd Knibbeler - Rob Wetzer and Sjoerd Knibbeler at Ignite Amsterdam 15. Simone Schoutens

Christiaan de Kock

Using a conceptually new approach and state-of-the-art research tools, the first realistic three-dimensional diagram of a thalamocortical column in the rodent brain has been created. Christiaan was one of the scientists working on this (together with CNCR and Max Planck Florida).


Antal Ruhl - Antal Ruhl at Ignite Amsterdam 15. Simone Schoutens

With: Antal Ruhl

Yann Seznec

Yann worked with mycologist Patrick Hickey to create a musical installation. Using custom built software and hardware, they made a system that reacted in real time to spores falling from mushrooms. The installation has been included in the Paddestoelen Paradijs exhibition.


In search of habitats - Shot of an unititled installation by Jorge Bakker. Found on his website. Shot of the floating trees by Jorge Bakker. Found on his website. Jorge Bakker

More information

Doors open at 8pm, the first speaker kicks off at 8.30pm. Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Buy your tickets online. €2.- for members with a valid membership card, €7,- for non-members. Non-members will receive their membership card at the door.