Ignite Amsterdam 17

12 presentations x 5 minutes

25 Nis 2012

We served up a steaming bowl full of scientists, designers, and artists this month. From intimate design and illustration to scientific research into a new generation solar cells, and the presentation of a new Amsterdam hackspace to top it off.


Visitors chat at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - This picture was made during a break at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens


Ziv Ben Gal

As an artist Ziv is fascinated by using old materials to create new ones, thus creating new points of view. He presented his project A Yiddish Momme, exploring his family's past.


Ziv Ben Gal at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Telling about his project, A Yiddish Momme, at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

With: Ziv Ben Gal


A Yiddish Momme - Our eyes and ears accumulate memories which are sometimes hard to endure. ’A Yiddish Momme’ represents emotions and memories that deal with a family's tragic history. Picture taken from Ziv Ben Gal's website. Our eyes and ears accumulate memories which are hard to endure. ’A Yiddishe Momme’ represents emotions towards the tragic history of family, emphasizing the connection to our origin. Found on the website of Ziv ben Gal. Ziv Ben Gal

Amran Anjun & Arnd Marijnissen

Amran hijacked one of our previous Ignite events, and since that's the kind of behavior we tend to applaud, we invited him back to talk about a new hackerspace he is involved with in Amsterdam, Techinc.


Amran Anjun & Arnd Marijnissen - Presentation about a new hackerspace he is involved with in Amsterdam, Techinc. At Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

With: Amran Anjun

Vivian Wenli Lin

Besides her autonomous documentary work, Vivian has worked for clients like The One Minute Foundation and STEIM as a video editor and director of photography. Find out more about her globe-spanning endeavors.


Vivian Wenli Lin at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Video editor and director of photography at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens


lady gigi

Pinar & Viola

Pinar&Viola, an independent graphic design duo, create 'Ecstatic Surfaces'. They challenge the field of graphic design by 'scanning' contemporary visual culture and 'printing' an excessive surface in return.


Viola at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Presentation of Pinar & Viola, an independent graphic design duo, create 'Ecstatic Surfaces' at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

Esmee Geerken

Esmee Geerken is a Rietveld Academy graduate (2010). She is inspired by her other field of expertise, Earth Sciences, what gives her work a scientific beauty.

reversed convection


Esmee Geerken at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Inspired by her other field of expertise, Earth Sciences, what gives her work a scientific beauty. Speaking at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

Olti Pjetri

Olti is affiliated with the University of Twente's MESA+ Research Institute for Nanotechnology department. He is currently working on the Acoustic Passive Radar project, which focuses on the measurement of acoustic sound fields.


Olti Pjetri at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Telling about his work on the Acoustic Passive Radar project, which focuses on the measurement of acoustic sound fields. At Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

With: Olti Pjetri

Hansje van Halem

Hansje designed Holland's corporate stamps, the poster for the Royal Awards for Painting 2012, and the catalog of the 2010 Best Dutch Book Designs. Just to give you an idea. Find out more about her fascination for letters and lines, and her own home-gallery, Schrank8.


Zakelijke postzegels nieuw en oud ontwerp - Het oude en nieuwe ontwerp van de zakelijke postzegels, ontworpen door Hansje van Halem en gevonden op haar website.


Hansje van Halem at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Telling about her fascination for letters and lines, and her own home-gallery, Schrank8, at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens


Vanhimbergenhebly are Thijs van Himbergen and Laurens Hebly. They illustrate and design books, magazines and websites, print t-shirts, send long faxes to people they don't know, and also enjoy talking about these various projects.


Thijs van Himbergen @ Ignite Amsterdam 26 - Presents Pretty Nice Stuff During Ignite Amsterdam at Mediamatic artists, designers and other makers get 5 minutes to present their passions. The next Ignite Amsterdam will be held on April 24. Get your tickets online. Simone Schoutens


pretty nice shirts - Who doesn’t want to be able to say they run a t-shirt label? Exactly: no one doesn’t, and neither didn't vanhimbergenhebly, so they conceived pretty nice shirts. Vanhimbergenhebly

Kai-Oi Jay Yung

Kai-Oi is an interdisciplinary artist based in the UK. She'll tell us about her experience in guerilla gardening, and discuss how she explored topics such as consumerism and sustainability through a sock exchange.


Kai-Oi Jay Yung at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Presentation about her experience in guerrilla gardening at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

Willem van Engen & Thomas Scherzer

Thomas and Willem created Blumenveld, an installation made up of eighteen interactive flowers. The flowers respond to people in the vicinity, inviting them to explore their surroundings.


Willem & Thomas at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Presentation about their installation Blumenveld at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

Blumenveld is an interactive installation consisting of a field of flower-like objects. The individual flowers react on visitors. Each opens up when someone approaches. When he or she has left, it closes again. One or more special flowers are activated only by a group of people. It takes more than a single individual to be involved to experience this part of the installation. By: Willem van Engen

All rights reserved

Maarten Essenburg (Lomography)

Maarten is the Dutch online manager for the analogue kingdom of Lomography. He gave us an insight in their worldwide dedicated community.


Maarten Essenburg at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Telling about Lomography at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens


Vondelpark, Amsterdam - Picture by Stratski , found in her My Uninspiring Life album on Lomography.nl. Made with an Olympus XA and Agfa Precisia 200 film.

Joke Westra (TU Delft)

Joke is part of the research group NOVASIL (TU Delft and TU Eindhoven) that is researching a new generation of solar cells. She is working on developing a process technology for thin-film crystalline silicon on glass. At Ignite she talked about


Joke Westra at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Telling about here research at new generations of solar cells at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

With: Joke Westra

Alice Wielinga

Alice's work is a combination of photography, drawing, and painting, creating slick, stylized landscapes and scenes with strong elements from fashion photography and advertising.


Alice Wielinga at Ignite Amsterdam 17 - Telling about here work as a photographer at Ignite Amsterdam 17. Simone Schoutens

More information

Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Tickets €2,- for members, €7,- for non-members. If you don't have a membership card, you can buy one at the door for €5,-. It's valid for a month.


Ignite is run by locals, for locals. Fast-paced and merciless, Ignite evenings are fun, thought-provoking nights, full of fresh ideas and clever insights. Speakers get five minutes to present their idea. They make use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. Ignite serves as a platform for locals to connect offline and have a drink together. All presentations are given in English.