Up-cycling the city

the fourth InBetween session

10 Ağs 2010
10 Ağs 2010

The fourth InBetween session on August 10th 2010 will have the theme: "up-cycling the city".

In the most simple terms up-cycling means giving old products more value rather than less. It is the opposite of down-cycling, and together up-cycling and down-cycling form the two sides of re-cycling. Traditionally the term is used for consumer goods or reusable commodities.


Up-cycling the city - source


NBTWN wants to investigate what it would mean to use the idea of up-cycling in the context of the contemporary city that grows along with obsolete programs, objects and infrastructures. Two esteemed guests will elaborate on this theme: 

Sebastiaan de Wilde

Sebastiaan de Wilde will share with us his in-depth knowledge concerning “rail estate”.

Sebastiaan de Wilde studied Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology and Business Studies at Erasmus University of Rotterdam. After his studies he did a PhD on technical and financial aspects of real estate development close to and over railway infrastructure, resulting in the PhD thesis 'Rail Estate'. During his PhD he worked at Movares in Utrecht on different projects concerning railways, roads, tunnels and stations. Presently he is working at Dutch Railways in the real estate department, NS Poort. Within NS Poort he is in charge of station development and station area development within the department of Asset Development .

The presentation will deal with area development around railway stations in inner cities. By using international references the field of work will be introduced along with the opportunities and challenges that come along. Specific attention will be paid to the possibilities of real estate development over de railway tracks.

Emiliano Gandolfi

Emiliano Gandolfi will discuss the concept of “cohabitation strategies” as related to up-cycling the city.

Emiliano Gandolfi is an architect and independent curator, co-founder of Cohabitation Strategies and member of iStrike.ultd. Gandolfi was co-curator of the 11th International Architecture Exhibition – Biennale di Venezia, and before this role, he was curator at the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam. He was co-curator of the public program of the 2009 Tirana Biennial, the 2007 International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam and co-founder of REbiennale, a cooperative platform created by a net of associations to share methods, processes and competences linked to self-construction. Over the past years he has been involved in a wide range of projects, exhibitions and conferences that dealt with methodologies and interventions for urban transformation, on both theoretical and practical level. He has lectured and organized conferences in many institutions worldwide; he is currently guest teacher at the National University of the Arts in Taiwan, TU Delft in The Netherlands and advisor for the Curry Stone Design Prize.

More information on the InBetween website.