Edwin Stolk
All rights reserved
950 x 620 İndir

A life changing experience | Edwin Stolk | 2011

Saturday 22 January Edwin Stolk organized the action/happening "A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE" at 3 pm at the entrance of De Appel. He invited people to create together a queue from the pay desk inside De Appel, to the sidewalk outside. Between 3 pm till 3.30 pm nobody entered he museum, after that everybody went his/her own way [flash mob]. The happening is a reaction on governmental ideas that visitor ratings are going to decide if a museum is important. In the same time the happening created a lived connection between the art institute and the public space. Art, art institute, connected by a lived art experience with the public opinion over art by a large part of a potential audience. The call was, tell everybody about the happening and join the queue. Because everybody knows, an action like this only has its effect when a lot of people participate!
