herman de vries
Herman de Vries is een Nederlands beeldend kunstenaar. Hij spelt zelf zijn naam zonder hoofdletters om "hiërarchieën te vermijden". In het oeuvre van De Vries spelen begrippen als 'het zijn' en 'de...
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
The most common yeast. Used in baking, brewing and wine making. Naturally occurs on the skin of fruits like grape and plum. Also an important protagonist in Moyashimon.
Roberta Colavecchio
PhD in new media, cultural studies and postcolonial theory. I am interested in the relation between nature and culture, which I investigate and challenge through the lense and tools of new media art...
Planet needs your pee!
urine can save the future of agriculture
We do not just take a leak. We ruthlessly flush king Solomon’s mines into a toilet bowl. Besides water and urea, human pee contains about 10 precious elements - a few of these being calcium
Pee Tea
Filtering Human Pee into Drinking Water
Sure, you've heard of recycling waste into energy and peeing in the shower to save water. But have you heard of filtering pee into pure drinking water?
workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
1. Theory & Intro.
15Nis 2015A bee’s world and the role of pollinating insects in the bigger picture
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Bio+Art Community MeetUp
7Mayıs 2015On May 7th, V2_ is hosting its first Bio+Art Community MeetUp. For everyone who is interested in the symbiotic relation between art and the life sciences.
Who are you in "the reality"?
Discover by seeding
We are still in the process of designing how the questions will look like. But, good news, we have already decided their content! There will be 30 of them and you can think of your answers while...
workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Workshop: learn to build Aquaponics
2Mayıs 2015Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open dag Shaffy's Tuin
21Mar 2015De oplettende passant heeft het al gezien: op de kop van de Dijksgracht zijn de spades de grond in gegaan en de Shaffy’s Tuin begint te groeien en dat belooft wat …. Op de eerste dag van de lente...
Seeding questions
Experiments with sowing
From the questions' design we smoothly moved to the experiments with the seeds and the seeding paper. We wanted to find out inside of which of the three types of rice paper (really thin one, a bit...
Shine bright like a diamond
Our experiments with the studs
After trying out the paint and the clay, the idea to create something more bling-bling, with golden and silver studs and also some push pins, came up.
De Balie
KennisCafé: Rotstof
20Şub 2015Luchtvervuiling en fijnstof, we zijn het liever kwijt dan rijk. Inademing ervan zorgt voor problemen met de luchtwegen en verergert de klachten van mensen met hart- en vaatziekten. Het komt van...
Thank you!
We would like to thank the following people, organizations, sponsors and participants.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Visitor Information
You can visit Dijkspark and the Casting Doubts installation daily. The seedcard however are only for sale during opening hours of Mediamatic ETEN, which you can find here . The Casting Doubts...
Nutritious & Delicious food for Mushrooms!
Substrate is the surface from which mycelium and mushrooms can grow.
and the pissing farmer's wife
Many an artist throughout time has touched upon the subject of piss within their works. One of the most notable of these is perhaps Rembrandt van Rijn.
Groene kunst, Amsterdam aquaponics.
Hoe groen de stad heeft gevormd
Landbouw heeft door de eeuwen heen invloed gehad op de vormgeving van de stad. Veel straten in oude steden zijn aangelegd om het voedsel van het platteland efficiënt aan de man te brengen. Door...
Secretions in Art, Design and Society
Secretopia is an inquiry into human secretions through art, science and design. After exploring the potential of urine in The Pis’ Project, we decided to expand the programme to all sorts of...
Hugo Freijanes
Myco Insulation Brewery Team
I'm now part of the 'Myco Insulation Brewery' team, hoping to improve my humble beer-brewing skills. Curious by nature, I'm always ready to learn something new. With a background in typography and...
Rupert Sheldrake
And the morphic fields
After obtaining his PhD, Sheldrake became a fellow of Clare College, working in biochemistry and cell biology with funding from the Royal Society Rosenheim Research Fellowship. He investigated auxin
Xiang Yu Yeung
Image-editor at Mediamatic
My name is Xiang, and my passion lies in creative visual expression. I am always striving to learn to express my creative and conceptual ideas better using the mediums of photography and illustration.
the Quiche recipe
how we made quiche from plant out of the Aquaponics system