Tribeca Performing Arts Center (TPAC)
15Eyl 200518Eyl 2005With director presentations, panels, lots of movies and (drumroll, please) SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO as the closing act, their dj act finally being somewhere else than the strip joint in Puddleton, England.
Rotterdamse Schouwburg
urban screens in Rotterdam
During the late summer, Rotterdam will screen short movies on the side of the Rotterdamse Schouwburg from sundown to 2AM.
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
World Wide Wrong
26Ağs 200522Eki 2005A retrospect of JODI's work, from their first computer experiments to their cd-roms and installations.
PixelACHE 2006
1Ağs 200510Eyl 2005The Dot Org Boom continues (Le Boom DotOrg!) * PixelACHE will continue as an annual festival but we have decided to focus on one theme in two consecutive festival editions, over a time period of...
Lowmechanik/ Rawpikzl DVD release
30Eyl 2005Featuring Maersk, Deng Zero, DJ Tunan, Seegee, Tubish, Toktek, Apzolut, Jorg, VD inc., the Smokecella and Modules.
Mediamatic Post CS
20Ağs 2005Mediamatic's Garagebox was our lovely hangout spot, where we enjoyed some, or quite a lot of drinks, great music and just good old fashioned fun. On this night everyone enjoyed heart cookies and one
e-culture fair
12Kas 200013Kas 2000Op 12 en 13 november 2000 vindt in de RAI te Amsterdam de eerste E-culture fair plaats georganiseerd door het Virtueel Platform. De e-culture fair is een internationale beurs waar creatieve en...
De Nieuwe Anita
Basement swimming
13Ağs 2005An indoor swimmingpool below water level will kick off the summer program of the Foyer at de Nieuwe Anita.
Top Spot
4Ağs 2005A screening of Tracey Emin's film on adolescent girls in Margate, the artist's home town. Boys, slags and sex, and Tracey Emin herself feature in this loss of innocence versus tourism flick.
De Nieuwe Anita
Wasser Umsonnst
19Tem 2005By Jaap Boots, Tsead Bruinja, Tom Zinger, Pfaff, Arthur Wevers and others. In dutch. But dutch is easy. Really.
presentation: Muthesius Kunsthochschule
13Tem 200516Tem 2005The Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel (Germany) runs its annual presentation of graduate design projects. Drawing from a long standing tradition in industrial and communication design, this year's...
Cognitive development: from human evolution to…
8Tem 2005What roles do nature and nurture play in cognitive development? A symposium organized by the Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam, sparked by theories developed by Michael Tomasello.
UvA Roeterseiland
Artificial Intelligence in Education
18Tem 200522Tem 2005The biennial conference AIED will be held in Amsterdam this year. AIED displays current endeavors in development of advanced educational applications, and tries create an understanding of learning...
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Final Year Exhibition
30Haz 20053Tem 2005Four days long.
Wolf Eyes
26Haz 2005Some rather abrasive noises offset by some more subtle but arresting drones.
Test-Portal 2005
10Haz 200525Haz 2005A new city space has been created in North Amsterdam with room for freedom and experiment. A place for late night art, liquid architecture, audio installations and did we mention the bar?
Filmtheater Rialto
l'Intrus by Claire Denis
14Haz 2005Claire Denis, veteran filmmaker with her filmography including Chocolat and Beau Travail now presents l'Intrus, based on a book by Jean-Luc Nancy.
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Warp meets London Sinfonietta
10Haz 2005An unusual combination from two different worlds of music, visual invasions and the premiere of Rubber Johnny.
Schonheit macht Schamhaft
'Fat and ugly', had Vanessa Beecroft beloofd, en het klonk wat overdreven, als je naar de modellen kijkt die ze had uitgekozen voor haar performance VB55 in Berlijn, in de Neue Nationalgalerie.
Het Ketelhuis
Dejima Filmfestival
27Mayıs 200528Mayıs 2005Manga, Samurai, Yakuza action - Japanese film is about more than a bunch of slashing good-for-nothing freaks. The Dejima Filmfestival in Amsterdam presents the latest of Japanese Cinema in a tiny
Filmtheater Rialto
Disorientation - new ways of storytelling
3Haz 20051Tem 2005The deconstruction of narrative as we know it is a slow but ongoing process. Storytellers nowadays deconstruct and disorient in their storytelling, producing new inventive ways of communication. In...
Theater Kikker
14Mayıs 2005Ralph van Raat speelt Andriessen, Vandal X, Louis Sclavis / Ernst Reijseger en Forss.
presentation: Mediamatic Post CS
Mobtagging at 11
9Mayıs 2005Mediamatic salon about tags and communities. Presentations on the FlickrAutoBrowser, the film Celebration , on the Future News Networks Station , on nude photo sharing on Flickr.com and the opening...
NIFCA Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art