Illustrator Graphic Designer
random ramblings about creative carbohydrates...
In Poland, there is a tradition to eat baked rings of dough, called “obwarzanki”, which are strung around a string, which is then tied in a circle...
Elise Willems
Kunstforum - Mode als ästhetisch-medialer Komplex
Ivan GarciaRomero
Mexican Film Festival Director, Head Programmer Future Shorts Amsterdam, International program coordinator kosmopolis, kaleidoscopic conceptual guru...
Jacob Kok
Fashion, Music, New media, Biology, Philosophy, Interpretation, Perception, Human, Nature, Electronic
Claud Biemans
nature and culture
city botanist science writer physics editor culture organiser late night performer
Anna Docter
book: Ib Bondebjerg 1 Oca 2000
Moving Images, Culture and the Mind
This research project presents historical and contemporary case studies, analysis, and theoretical perspectives on moving images from different historical periods.
book: Tom Vermulst 1 Oca 1991
Het Anti-Computerboek
Satirical description of side effects of computer use in society.
book: Tom Johnson 1 Mar 1989
The voice of New Music
An anthology of articles on the evolution of minimal music in New York in 1972-1982, which originally appeared in the Village Voice.
Linda Pijnacker
Lode Claassen
Community Interaction Designer
Designing and creating. Communities, learning tools, communication methods, interactive spaces and websites. Everything works in a flow along with your own activity.
In Andy Holden’s show the question is asked as to how dead things can convey the life of an experience. Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
The World is Round and Mr Wrigley Makes Chewing…
15Haz 200824Ağs 2008For the summer exhibition of Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, curator Mark Kremer has invited the English artist Andy Holden. Holdens show at the fortress borrows its title from an essay by Aldous Huxley.
Prize for Young Dutch Art Criticism
In May 2008, de Appel, Witte de With and the Fonds BKVB launch the bi-annual Prize for Young Dutch Art Criticism (De Prijs voor de Jonge Kunstkritiek).
Beursplein Amsterdam
First Ladies
12Haz 20086Tem 2008Drie fotografen zijn, op verzoek, voor het eerst in hun levenafgereisd naar conflict gebieden in Nepal, Zuid-Sudan en de Democratische Republiek Congo. Normaal fotograferen zij hele andere...
Daphne de Vries
Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam
Object, The Undeniable Success of Operations
27Mayıs 20086Tem 2008Monographic presentations often imply a self-reflective moment, a moment in which the artistic process of the artist is briefly frozen and can be subject to investigation.
Mediamatic Post CS
Say Yes to No
28Mayıs 2008It was the first in a series of evenings on The Power of Negative Thinking. Mediamatic wanted you to say no and stay critical. Tonight's theme was the Development of the Self in the 21st Century
Bertha Bermudez
Bertha Bermudez works since 1998 with dance company Emio Greco | PC. First as a dancer and since 2004 as assistant and researcher on Dance Transmission. She has been involved on the project...
Huis a/d Werf
Not Every Object Used to Nail is A Hammer
22Mayıs 200824Mayıs 2008De hamer staat symbool voor constructie, destructie, arbeid, revolutie, kracht, autoriteit, rebellie, macht, enzovoort. In hun performance wenden Gaëtan Bulourde en Olivier Toulemonde de hamer aan...
an architect and interaction designer, is interested in the cultural qualities of new technologies, and to explore these. he creates installations and experiments that blend spaces, technologies and...
Joachim Rotteveel
Technology is a language.
Johannes Vogt