Shrinking offices, virtual fashion, rainbows

Ignite: ideas, obsessions and talks

28 Oca 2015

It's time for the first Ignite of the year, and the first Ignite on our new location. The 12 speakers of January's Ignite will give a 5-minute talk about digital fashion, colours of mycelium, shrinking offices, corner frames and more. Food at 19:00, the first speaker will kick off at 20:00. Buy your ticket online to save a few euros. See you at Dijksgracht 6!


Car in grassland by Noël Loozen -

With: Noël Loozen
Jacob Kok

Besides presenting his fashion designs physically Jacob also translates his work into the digital world. The interactive virtual replicants enable you to spin the models around and zoom in to every little detail. In doing so Jacob tries to bridge the gap between the digital and analogue world in which he (and Autodesk) anticipate on the endless possibilities that technology has to offer to fashion.


Film still - from Evolution collection by Jacob Kok

With: Jacob Kok

Noël Loozen

"Many art works are focusses on walls. It's hard to compete with existing and new artists to available spots on the wall. By focusing on corners I undermine the competition." Noël Loozen was raised above the frame-maker company of his father Paul Loozen in Maastricht. Here he first came in contact with art and developed his expertise on and fascination for corners. The series Loozen Hoeken is an answer to all the hanging frames on walls.


Loozen Hoeken - Noël Loozen

Maarten Hupkes

Urban Greeners is a group of young entrepreneurs working for Growing Green Cities, a project for the Floriade of 2022. As part of the Urban Greeners initiative Maarten started the Prikbar. The mobile Prikbar connects city and countryside by bringing society and horticulture together. The bar is (almost) self sustainable but mostly a meeting place to inspire and provoke its visitors to think differently about our use of nature.


Prikbar - Prikbar van Urban Greeners

Marieke Broertjes & Rosalie Bak

This collaborative research of a biologist and designer is only just starting. With their Myco-Rainbow Warriors project Marieke and Rosalie are looking into the beautiful colors that fungi have to offer us. Do mycelium and fungi make colors on their own? How could you apply this in design? And, is it possible to transform the ever so white mycelium in something more colorful? In growing their rainbow they explore new possibilities for a sustainable and colorful future.


Myco-Rainbow Warriors - Colourful Mycelium Rosalie Bak, Marieke Broertjes, Malcolm Kratz

Anna Brecht

After graduating from the 3D Design department of the HKU in 2006, Anna Brecht is organising different social projects. With the project Wereldwijven in Dordrecht, she brought together designers and women from the district to make a design together. During last years Into The Great Wide Open, she made paper out of poo from local animals. Visitors of the festival could look at the process or make paper themselves. With her projects, Anna wants to stimulate people to look different to everyday things.


Paper from Poo by Anna Brecht - We use paper daily and we know it's made of organic fibers. But did you know paper can be made with poo as well?

Shai Langen

Shai is fascinated by the texture and properties of latex. In his work 'Chimera' he takes latex to the next level. He covers bodies with liquid latex combined with calcium nitrate, resulting in a collection that resembles cellular structures, slime moulds and fungi-like textures. In his work Shai explores the boundaries between living and non-living matter, using both synthetic and organic.


Film still from Chimera by Shai Langen - Shai Langen graduated in Product Design from the HKU, Utrecht School of Arts. His graduation project, entitled ‘Chimera’, is a collection of materials made from latex, coinciding with a film that looks into a future in which the human body is cultivated and grown.

Roy Yin

For his graduation project at the KABK in The Hague architect Roy Yin created a new proposal for the future office. In 'Sorry, We're Working – the Metamorphosis of the Busy Office' Roy responds to the ongoing reduction of working space by companies in order to cut costs. What happens if you shrink the office space to its final limit?


Sorry, We're Working – the Metamorphosis of the Busy Office - Image by Roy Yin

Titia Hoogendoorn

On her website, Titia Hoogendoorn is described as allround expert. And this might be true. Last June, she graduated from the Rietveld Academy, she makes drawings, writes, she's an actress and initiated the educational video series Dingen over Dingen (stuff about things). This internet hang out place for teenagers learns you how to turn into a rich bitch, what you can do with boys and more.


To bottle, to pickle, to dry and to smoke, that's what Lepelboom does. They believe the most delicious tastes of our food are developed by these processes. Have you ever tried smoked mozzarella, beer pickled cauliflower or dried pear? Lepelboom uses these old-fashioned cooking methods and combines them with local sourced products.


Lepelboom tafelzuur - Tafelzuur: Komkommer-Dille Tafelzuur Louise: bloemkool met bier. Met Dubbelbock van Brouwerij Zeeburg en groene peper

Marieke Nooren and Steye Hallema

Oculus Rifts and 360º video techniques getting more and more popular. We still have to discover this new technique. Because what happened if the viewer can decides what he/she is watching? What is the role of the viewer in the story? And which film techniques work in a 360º video. Studio Wildvreemd (with Marieke Nooren and Steye Hallema) made a 360º videoclip for his band Steye & the Bizonkid. Tonight they will tell about their experiences, and off course show you the video.


Hoelahoepmontage door Wildvreemd -

Art van Triest

In his work Art van Triest uses well-known objects and powerful imagery to play with the expectations of participants. He merges the esthetics of rusty metal with the smooth look and feel of digital media. Participants are challenged to think about and interact with objects they would rather avoid in everyday life.


Dubbelloops by Art van Triest - Shake Hands with other visitors with a gun in the middle. Two rifles have been put together, creating a new medium for visitors to get to know each other.

Amber van den Eeden & Jules van Hal

In 2012 Amber van den Eeden and Kalle Mattsson registered the official domains of the Temporary Stedelijk Museum. On the duo decided to curate and facilitate artists they considered significant for our contemporaries. The last exhibition (temporarystedelijk#7) is still online, and consisted of net art. Jules van Hal wasn't actively involved until the project evolved beyond images and online art. Amber & Jules contributed as a writers duo to a range of online panels and publications on matters of the internet, dimensioning, interconnectedness, and net art. The only elaborate undisturbed conversation they ever had was interrupted by a red haired man. Every other thing is just an extraction of what.


Amber van den Eeden & Jules van Hal -

Hanneke Minten & Saskia Pouwels

In their search for awkward online stories and images Hanneke and Saskia (Hats & Tales) are focusing on a niche of Marktplaats: the wedding dress. In order to sell the dress online the personal wedding photo's are used. Hanneke and Saskia are fascinated by the autonomous interventions in the pictures by its seller: aggressive scratching, blurring and the covering of faces. Their collection of anonymous faces is still growing and resulted in a research project together with photographer Anne Claire de Breij.


Hats and Tales, Something White Something New -

What's on the menu?

Istarska Maneštra: minestrone soup with a Croatian Twist with bread and sour cream
Tickets: €4,50

More information

Food at 19.00 First speaker at 20:00.
Mediamatic, Biotoop Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam.
Pre-sale tickets are €6,- until 14:00 on the day of the event, then they go up to €8,- (includes a 9-week Club Mediamatic membership). Tickets don't include food.


Stimulerings Fonds Creatieve industrie and Gemeente Amsterdam - Sponsors of Mediamatic