Solace - Nicky Assmann
A giant soap film
Solace is a cinematic installation of Nicky Assmann. Nicky explores in her work how the body relates to objects and spaces. In Solace, Nicky creates a dynamic and temporary space in which the mental process and physical activity of seeing takes a central point. In 5MM, a big film of soap is produced. Through precise lighting the inner movement of the soap film is revealed, showing a turbulent choreography of iridescent color and fluid motion. The soap film becomes a mirror, and its reflection and colors bring the space to life. As gravity slowly gets a hold of the membrane the viewer is fascinated with the phenomenon, until inevitably the fragile film bursts.
Solace is a radar project of STRP festival 2011
Vrijdag 18 november van 18 – 21u
Zaterdag 19 nov. 11-21u
Zondag 20 november 11-21u
Ma 21 november t/m vrijdag 25 november 11-17.30u
Za 26 nov 11-21u
Zo 27 nov 11-17u