Connecting Conscious Content Reality Portal

Weekend with an Arch Druid

A chance of a life time. Connect with ancient wisdom. An Irish Arch Druid visit Amsterdam 29 Feb - 1 March

29 Şub 2008
1 Mar 2008

Soon an Irish real Arch Druid comes to town. Lecture will be held.

A chance of a life time. Connecting Wisdom. An Irish Arch Druid visit Amsterdam.

Lecture + Reality Portal Screenshots & Exhibition.

fri 29 Feb 20.00 + sat 1 March 17.00.
+ debate about HIV=AIDS?

Volkskrantgebouw, Vibautstraat 150.
FULL program

He will be able to answer questions about a broad diverse knowledge base regarding subjects like druidry, health, homoeopathy, iridology, astrology, tarot, palmistry, ayurveda, buddhism, osteopathy, anthroposophy, crystal healing, massage, Celtic medicine, electro magnetic pollution, water, nutrition and reality .

The druid will accept a limited amount of private consultations (saturday)...
For bookings. Write

This is an amazing opportunity for you to connect with a real wise being. Dr James Dwyer will also soon start to blog here from his very unique insighful perspective on the Reality Portal internet site.

Reality Portal wishes you a warm welcome to our synergetic platform!


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Dr James Dwyer was born in Jersey in the Channel Island of a French (Breton) Mother and an Irish Father. He always had an enquiring mind, asked awkward questions from an early age and sensed that many of his teachers were afraid of the truth. His decision to press ahead with a personal quest to uncover what was really going on has led to a lifetime of confrontation with various establishment figures and organisations. This has also enabled him to achieve remarkable cures over five continents (most recently in Australia), spanning some thirty years.

He worked in France as a G.P. as well as an Accident and Emergency physician. He's als a Member of the Association of Police Surgeons of England. He was the first person to practice Acupuncture in his native Jersey and has worked as a G.P. there as well in Ireland.

He initally studied languages (he is a native speaker of French and has fluent Spanish, has had encounters with German, Italian, Gudjurati and Chinese but chose degree courses in medicine. He studied in the universities of London, Caen and Paris. He was granted the degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of Paris in 1991 having submitted a thesis on Acupunture and Viral Disease which showed not only that Acupuncture was not a significant cause of hepatitis but that it was probably one of the most effective anti-viral thearpies available.

He also has a Diploma in Herbal Medicine (Membership of the National Institute of Medical Herbalist of England ) in 1978. He was part of the teaching staff. At this time he also developed an interest in Astrology which culminated in the obtention of the Certificate in Astrology of the Faculty of Astrological Studies of London . Tarot, Palmistry and Sufism were investigated at this time largely as a result of his marriage to Liz!

The possibilites of absent healing and tuning into patients were demonstrated. He underwent intensive psychotherapy at the Institute of Psychoanalysis and group therapy at the Tavistock Clinic . This gave him extraordinary insights into the world of dreams. He offers psychotherapy as well as counselling. He's also an Member of the British Acupunture Ass. since 1979.

In Paris he obtained a Certificate in Iridology (Iris diagnostics), spent years studying Homepathy, Osteopathy (Holistic Medicine), Anthroposophy, crystal healing, massage and art therapy, became a fellow of the Diogenes Society and was made a Druid on a mountain dolmen in Provence.

You can read the full article here>>>