
Divadlo Image

Black Theatre in Prague

Of course, not all the theatres are the same. The intense darkness of black theatre is quite a different experience incorporating dance, music and exploration amidst a very dark, strategically lit performance space. In the black theatre of Divadlo Image, you can awake your imagination while attempting to figure out where the next actor will be emerging from the inky blackness surrounding you in this strange setting.


Black Box performance - Image taken from their website . Black box performance featuring Half People, October 2004.

Black theatre is different; the light is different and the dark is different. The intense darkness of black theatre is full of fantasy. Poetic pictures are approaching you from the mysterious and almost indefinite depth of a black cabinet. You cannot see the actors, as they are invisible. Suddenly you can see them rather well and almost dangerously close. Dance will express the unspoken, disturb emotions and overcome laws of physics. Music will bring inanimate to life, tragic will change into comic, unbelievable will become real. And, moreover, your imagination will fully awake. If you are willing to join our exploration, inside you may find something you have never known existed.

Source: their website

Contact information

  • Divadlo Image
  • Parizska 4
  • 110 00 Praha 1
  • Prague
  • CZ