

Kabul:Reconstructions is an interactive documentary and public dialogue project that documents the post-conflict reconstruction of the city of Kabul at one-year intervals from the winter of 2002 to the winter of 2004

This multimedia project by the Afghan artist Mariam Ghani offers both an insider's perspective on back-room politics of critical moments in the reconstruction, and an outsider's perspective on the changing surface and structures of the city. The first two sections of the project track media coverage of the reconstruction and contrast it to information passed along Afghan diasporic networks in response to questions from site visitors. The third and fourth sections of the project, which focus on the Afghan constitutional assembly and the first national popular election, present visitors with video from behind and around the political scenes, analytical audio and video interviews, and a series of questions about the implications of the architectures of democracy proposed and promoted through the reconstruction efforts - during that window of possibility which now seems to be closing.

Source: Mariam Ghani's Kabul Reconstructions site


Kabul Constitutions - Mariam Ghani installing the interactive carpet (with triggers to three beamers) for her installation Kabul Constitutions, at Gemak in The Hague in 2008. Photo by Rick Vogels Robert Kluijver

Contact information

  • Kabul-Reconstructions