Stella Vesselinova, Patrick Veerkamp

Characters in real life, real life with characters

Spellbound lecture by tunctunctunc

10 Şub 2009

Every second Tuesday of the month in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, BNO platform Spellbound hosts a series of short inspirational lectures by designers and leading design practitioners.

Tunc Topcuoglu (designer, visual artist) graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. His work is based on simple ideas and actions. Often times he uses humour and a good amount of curiosity to experiment and create a dialogue between his work and the audience.

"As a designer I was never interested in design itself. Many times I questioned myself if we really need design or not? Always Designers or Artists were more fascinating for me than their work."


Photo: Qiu Yang - Photo: Qiu Yang

"As human beings our main role is to define. We are defining the world. We are giving the meanings. To define something you need other definitions and to define those definitions you need others. And it goes on. They call this meta: Definition of definition. This process fascinates me. Humankind defines, design re-defines so that it can be defined again."

Meld je komst per mail

Datum: 10 februari 2009
Aanvang: 20.00 uur (zaal open 19.30 uur)

Voertaal: Engels
Toegang: gratis
