Sabine Delafon
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SDC performance (Marcia Caines - Samir Baddi) at Artissima, 2008

Sabine Delafon Corporation - 2008

It becomes logical to create in 2008 the Sabine Delafon Corporation (SDC).
those who choose to work with Sabine Delafon can enter into the SDC. Working together, under a common denominator, in a corporation.

. We present ourselves in November 2008 with the first performance of the SDC, Choix (Choice), at Artissima fair in Turin.
21 members wore the Sabine Delafon t-shirt dressed with jackets and black trousers. Each member was provided with the press release and business card under his own name in the SDC.

. In January 2009, the SDC gathered for a classic exhibition of photos of the 3 000 four-leaf clovers at Studio Massimo Alba, Milan.
Each member covered his own area, essential for the good devolopment of the work.

. In May 2009, we make the first fanzine Attenti (Be careful) linked to the homonym exhibition at the NotFair Gallery, Milan.

. In September 2009, we create L.D.N and the SDC, 2006-2009, at the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Fondation, Guarene.
Project made during the pregnancy of Sabine Delafon waiting for Lucy Dorothea Napoline. 21 photographs and artists made a portrait of them.