Willem Velthoven 3591 x 2179 İndir

08-06-2008 Taking books - Distributed Library

When the Distributed Library opened, hundreds of members of the Mediamatic community dropped by to pick up their favorite titles. The books were linked to their profiles. Hundreds of members of the Mediamatic community came the first day to meet and pick up their favorite titles. Jun 08: Protesting the impasse between the Raad van Cultuur and Minister Plasterk concerning cultural subsidies, Mediamatic decided to give away all her books. The public was invited to come and have their pick from the entire collection, and to take care of the cultural capital themselves: Mediamatic could no longer do it on her own. The only condition was that the new owners register on Mediamatic's website, and promise to lend their books to another member on their request. A distributed library was created, and the value of creative capital upheld.
