book: Afshin Ellian 1 Oca 1997

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Ellian uses in this collection of poetry old mythological figures from both the East and the West. He is using them to express his own struggle against evil.

Allian's poems are about revolution, not only popular revolt but the internal turmoil in human beings as well. The author has to flee from Iran after the revolution and he uses his experience in his poetry. He becomes a modern Odyssey wandering the world.

This collection of poetry is extraordinary because the poems are published in Dutch and Persian. However, the Dutch version are not simply a one-to-one translation of the Persian poems and vice versa. Every poem or prose has its own history and background. Some were first written in Persian other in Dutch. This procedure makes this poetry collection so special. In general the poems are an accusation against dictatorship and oppression. Ellian usages images of the death and to question why so many people had to die in those uprisings. All in all Ellian wants to show the world his struggle against evil and injustice.


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