1 Oca 2003 Bilwet mediatheoretici Bilwet, stichting ter Bevordering van Illegale Wetenschap, is een collectief van vijf kunstenaars/schrijvers/theoretici: Geert Lovink, Arjen Mulder, Basjan van Stam, Lex Wouterloot en Patrice Riemens.
Adilkno media theorists ADILKNO / BILWET (Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge / Stichting tot Bevordering van Illegale Wetenschap ) was founded in 1983 as a collective of five artists/authors, Geert Lovink
Information Macht Krieg The emergence of electronic information war as a chance to marginalise the armed forces: this thought stands central in the review below. Reasoning from the idea that in order to carry out InfoWar