Ignite Amsterdam 33

12 presentations x 5 minutes

18 Ara 2013

The size of a whale, vagina art, a possible third Industrial Revolution, and inspiration for a Vegan Christmas dinner. This and more came by at the last Ignite Amsterdam of the year. Dinner was made with the courtesy of four home cooks, and besides a scrumptious cake, you could've chosen from wonton noodles, tomato soup or Rendang. The first speaker kicked off at 20:30.


Meeuw - From the serie TheSign from Steven de Peven


Kyle Tryhorn

Moving from Canada to the Netherlands, you could say it was only natural for Kyle's work to start focusing on the landscape. In the absence of mountains and waterfalls, he created his own, assembling or staging nature, exploring his own relationship to it.


This Must Be The Place - This series is a staging of the different landscapes that formed the backdrop of my life growing up in southern Ontario, a place that at the time seemed to lack any sense of compelling history. By Kyle Tryhorn, found on his website. Kyle Tryhorn

Sjoerd ter Borg

Uitgeverij van Leegstand (Publisher of Vacancy) offers new stories to dejected buildings. Writers temporarily tend to the vacant spaces and inject them with new imaginings. Sjoerd will tell you more about this project.


de Uitgeverij van Leegstand - Screen shot van de website van de Uitgeverij van Leegstand. Schrijver Phillip Huff bracht tijd door in een verlaten KNSM-kraan. Meer informatie op de website.

Wolf Aartsen

Wolf creates colorful paintings marrying recognizable images with fantastical shapes and colors. In his drawings he manages to distort the known, and familiarize the unknown.


Moustache - By Wolf Aartsen. 2010 / A5 / pen, ink and collage on paper. Found on his website.


KALMAG VII - By Wolf Aartsen. / 2010 / A5 / pen and ink on paper. Found on his website.

Manus Groenen (Alpha 60)

Alpha60 is an internet platform that aims to create a dialogue in which art and text are simultaneously produced. It brings artists, writers and curators together in an online exhibition, each show on view for a month. A project by Femke Oortwijn and Manus Groenen.


How to turn a random space into an exhibition space - Screen shot of an online exhibition by Anouk van Reijen at http://www.alpha60projects.org/exhibition/

Yvonne Beelen

Visual artist Yvonne creates interactive installations and performances, centered on the place where we all come from: the vagina. She collects stories about our relationship with the vagina with her pop up museum The Magistral Museum of Vaginal Imaginations.

Isabelle Andriessen

Isabelle is driven by her fascination for the beauty of transformation and the longing of what is no longer there. What is the manifestation of time? Through her installations and sculptures she attempts to activate a sensory experience, by employing phenomenological effects that evoke a feeling of disorientation. Vision is commonly perceived to be the most dominant sense. One begins to question this notion when the senses (unexpectedly) get disrupted – confused – awakened. This disruption is the time and place where and her work becomes present.

Alexander Krstulovic

Smart grids means making an intelligent energy system, so that everyone can be a supplier of energy. People call it the internet of things, and it might be the third Industrial Revolution. Tonight Alexander will teach us more about this interesting development.

Vibeke Mascini

Last summer, Vibeke graduated with a 33 meter long book and recently she made a wind installation on whale generated electricity. With this she tries to relate to the size of the biggest animal in the world.


Exhibition view Vibeke Mascini - Taken at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie end exam show. Found on the GRA website. This shows a publication that sways through the room, an exploration into the length of a whale.

Joris van der Geest

Geestverwanten is a social network for readers and writers, who review their favorite books and post a top 5. You can create a personal profile, get in touch with other readers, and share literary events. Facebook, but without the selfies. Probably.

Steven de Peven

Steven de Peven works on solo projects as well as in the multidisciplinary art and performance collective PIPS:Lab. Among his projects are a series of pointer sticks (for short and long distances, to point around corners, to point at multiple things), and public signs. Tonight he'll tell us more about these re-inventions.


Aanwijsstokjes: afwijsstok - Zeer geschikt om iets of iemand gruwlijk of netjes af te wijzen. Gevonden op Facebook.


Aanwijsstokjes: groeps-aanwijsstok - Zeer geschikt voor het aanwijzen van een groep mensen of kudde schapen/roedel honden. Gevonden op Facebook. Een project van Steven de Peven.

Jos Rooijakkers (WakaWaka)

The WakaWaka Foundation aims to make solar energy available to people living at the bottom of the pyramid. The solar solutions they deal in are the WakaWaka Light; providing up to 80 hours of LED lighting, and the WakaWaka Power; the smartest and most efficient solar LED light and charger in the world. Besides spreading solar energy, they spread the solar-word, educating kids in developing countries about the benefits of making sustainable choices.

Alexander Gershberg

Alexanders dishes are colourful, energetic and 100% vegan. He experiments with ingredients and techniques inspired by the different cultures he is coming from. Tonight he will talk about his unique approach to cooking and culinary.


A vegan dish of Alexander Gershberg - Cabbage leaves filled with rice and pine nuts. topped with edible roses.


Mama Sita: Wonton noodles, veggie or with chicken. Lots of ginger!
Johan Patrick Brand: Rich tomato soup with bread, and a fruit salad for dessert.
Natasja Kilercyan: Indonesian Rendang with chicken and green beans, served with rice and prawn crackers.
Dessert: cake from Leonardo Franceschi.

More information

Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Pre-sale tickets are €6,- until 14:00 on the day of the event, then they go up to €8,- (includes a 4-week Club Mediamatic membership). Tickets don't include dinner.

Free for Subbacultcha members.



Ignite Dinner - Enjoying a homemade tomato soup or Indonesian Rendang and a bottle of Trash beer. Rosanne Schenk


Ignite Dinner - While waiting for the first speaker to kick off, we enjoyed the homemade tomato soup or Indonesian Rendang. Rosanne Schenk


Sjoerd ter Berg about Uitgeverij van Leegstand. - Sjoerd told us how empty buildings can be used for creative projects and can function for other things than a living- or workspace. Rosanne Schenk


Yvonne Beelen about the vagina. - Yvonne collects stories about our relationship with the vagina. She processes these stories in her art and she exhibits the stories and in her pop up museum The Magistral Museum of Vaginal Imaginations. Rosanne Schenk


Jos Rooijakkers of WakaWaka - The WakaWaka Foundation aims to make solar energy available to people living at the bottom of the pyramid. Jos told us that apparently most people living at the bottom of the Pyramid, like a lot of Filipinos, want the solar energy in the first place to charge there phones (instead of lighting a lamp) in order to stay in contact with family. Rosanne Schenk


Manus Groenen (Alpha 60) - Newspapers add a picture to illustrate or specify the written information. Museums add a text to explain contextualize the artwork. In this way there is always a primary and a secondary medium - the second one is always subordinate to the first one. Internet platform Alpha 60 aims to create a dialogue in which art and text are simultaneously produced. Rosanne Schenk


Steven de Peven - He thinks, makes and makes, instead of thinking thinking and making! Rosanne Schenk


Alexander Krstulovic - Explains how smart grids helps making an intelligent energy system, so that everyone can be a supplier of energy. Rosanne Schenk


Vibeke Mascini - Wat does size mean to us, and how do we perceive it? Rosanne Schenk


Joris van der Geest about Geestverwanten - What are the best 5 books you've ever read? Geestverwanten is a social network for readers and writers, who review their favorite books and post a top 5. Rosanne Schenk


Listening to the talk of Alexander Gershberg. - Rosanne Schenk


Audience of Ignite Amsterdam 33. - Last speaker starts off! Rosanne Schenk