
Aquaponics in 'New Eelam'

Sustainable food production system in the Hamburger Bahnhof

16 Mar 2017
17 Eyl 2017

Aquaponics goes to Berlin! In the Hamburger Bahnhof a special aquaponic installation is part of artist Christopher Kulendran Thomas’ participation in the exhibition “moving is in every direction. Environments – Installations – Narrative Spaces”. The sustainable food production system will be part of the presentation of his long term project 'New Eelam' for which he collaborated with artist/curator Annika Kehlmann and Mediamatic.


New Eelam at Hamburger Bahnhof Museum (Berlin) - Christopher Kulendran Thomas

'New Eelam' is a utopian world concept that engages with the idea of liquid citizenship through propositions for mobile urban living, exploring the future of the home in relation to the entanglement between the development of the city and the development of agriculture. Creating a speculative proposition for the future of mobile urban living, Thomas and his team are developing a series of modular a􏰀quaponic furniture for home farming on a personal scale, which will be premiered at this exhibition.

moving is in every direction. Environments – Installations – Narrative Spaces traces the history of installation art from the 1960s until today with a focus on narrative structures. It opens on March 16th and runs until 17 September.

moving is in every direction. Environments – Installations – Narrative Spaces
Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart
Invalidenstraße 50-51, 10557 Berlin, Germany
16 March 2017 - 17 September 2017
Tue-Sun open from 10:00 - 18:00 (on Thursday until 20:00)