workshop: Jasmijn Obispo

Workshop: Felting with Human Hair

Would you wear clothing made of hair?

29 Nis 2017

Think of how grossed out some people are once they see a hair that is not attached anymore. This hair is viewed as waste- can you imagine viewing it in a different light? Join designer Alix Bizet and learn how to make felt from human hair! She will let you discover the potential application of hair through textile techniques. This workshop is for anyone who is looking into making new materials from waste, understanding the meaning of hair and is interested in adventurous textile design. 

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Hair Matter(s) on hanger -


About the workshop

During the workshop you will work with hair that we collected from hairdressers in the surrounding area of Mediamatic Biotoop. If you want to there is also the opportunity to donate some of your own hair to give your felt a personal touch. Think of how grossed out some people are once they see a hair that is not attached anymore. This hair is viewed as waste- can you imagine viewing it in a different light? Would you wear clothes made of human hair? Alix will introduce you to the technique of felting and the use of human hair. This workshop also provides us with an opportunity to discuss the societal significance of hair. 


Felting with human hair - Workshop with Alix Bizet Alix Bizet

Hair Matter(s) by Alix Bizet

Alix Bizet's project Hair Matter(s) is a platform for understanding hair as a medium to talk about the diversity of individuals and how it is essential to address the subject of democracy and an equality of all hair in society. For this ongoing project she composed three jackets and headpieces out of hair and continues her research exploring visibility of hair in a society increasingly standardized by a dominant model.


13.00 Presentation and Q&A: introduction to hair as a material and as an anthropological journey

13.45 Felting: introduction to wet felting with human hair  

15.15 Wrap up and hair picture


Hair Matter(s) Back -

Workshop: Felting with human hair 
For whom: anyone, no prior knowledge needed
Saturday 29 April, 13:00 - 16:00
Ticket: €37,50 
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam