
Crying Out Loud!

Visualising the Beauty of Tears

11 Eki 2017

Crying is often associated with weakness and is seen as useless. Yet it is a healthy behaviour both biologically and in its important social role. Through showcasing the works of the different artists, this evening shows how beautiful, practical and important tears are. Together with photographer Maurice Mikkers, designer Yi-Fei Chen and professor Ad Vingerhoets, Mediamatic presents a night filled with tears. The evening will be moderated by Jasmijn Obispo.

Come early and donate your tears and let photographer Maurice Mikkers crystallise your tears.

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Yi-Fei and her Tear Gun - Copyright: Design Academy Eindhoven  Ronald Smits

With: Yi-Fei Chen

Dr. Ad Vingerhoets

Ad Vingerhoets is an expert in the field of stress, emotions, and quality of life. He has spent more than 20 years studying when and why we cry, and how the study of crying may help us obtain better insight into human nature. His special interests include adult crying, the (non)expression of emotions, homesickness, nostalgia, quality of life, and suffering. During this event, he will give us an insight into the findings of his research at the department of medical and clinical psychology at Tilburg University.


Emotional Creatures by Karolina Ferenc - Hans Bänziger, Karolina Ferenc

Maurice Mikkers

After having bumped his toe, Maurice Mikkers needed to cry. Despite the pain, he had only one thing on his mind: to capture one of his tears, put it under the microscope and photograph it. So he did, and with the microscope, he could see intriguing crystals that were forming in his tear. This incident, which took place in 2015,  eventually led him to create a full project, called the Imaginarium of Tears, on the photography of tears wherein he visualizes the story of each tear. By now he has fully mastered photographing our tears and found out much more about the crystals inside them. 


Imaginarium of Tears- A crystallised tear. - Maurice Mikkers

Yi-Fei Chen 

Taiwanese and Dutch culture are distinct in many ways, so Yi-Fei Chen discovered during her MA in Social Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven. 'Tear Gun', her graduation piece, was born from a clash of cultures. Her upbringing in Taiwan has instilled Yi-Fei Chen with a deep respect for authority, contrasting to the critical attitude students are encouraged to have within Western higher education. Chen has visualized her personal struggle to toughen up and speak her mind with a striking metaphor: she has frozen the tears she shed during an incident where she had to speak up but couldn’t, and built a gun to fire them.

Crying Out Loud: Tear Donation

Before this event takes place, you can donate your tears during a free crying session which starts at 19:00. Mediamatic provides you with the space to shed some tears, in whatever way you feel comfortable. Want to cry from cutting onions or from expressing emotions? Since there is a limited capacity, please RSVP by mailing to


Secretopia: Crying Out Loud!
Wednesday 11 October
Program starts at 20:30
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: €7,50 pre-sale | €10 door | Students €5