
Crying Out Loud: Tear Donation

Donate your tears for the sake of art

11 Eki 2017


During this free crying session Mediamatic provides you with the space to shed some tears in whatever way you feel comfortable. Donate your tears and let photographer Maurice Mikkers crystalise them! Want to cry from cutting onions or from expressing emotions?

Since there is limited capacity, please RSVP by mailing to


11-10-2017 Tears Donation - During this free crying session Mediamatic provided guest with the space to shed some tears in whatever way you feel comfortable. The donated tears where then crystalised by photographer  Maurice Mikkers . Maurice  has  crystalised the tears   to then photograph them using a microscope. He visualizes the stories of individual tears through photography. See the beautiful crystalline formation of tears and how they differ from others. Chiara Barraco

Crystalising Tears

Maurice Mikkers will crystalise your tears to then photograph them using a microscope. He visualizes the stories of individual tears through photography. See the beautiful crystalline formation of your tears and how they differ from others.

How to cry?

Two separate spaces will give you the opportunity to either let your emotions flow or harvest your tears more mechanically. In one room you can watch videos, listen to music and recollect moments of sadness and joy. In another, there will be onions to chop and special crying sticks


This event precedes an evening of talks by crying expert prof. Ad Vingerhoets, designer Yi-Fei Chen and photographer Maurice Mikkers in which we will critically reflect on crying, how it is perceived and what purpose it plays. Check out the main event here

Crying out Loud: Tear Donation
Wednesday 11 October, starts at 19:00
Free entrance
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam