
Hackers & Designers

Hackers & Designers (H&D) has been experimenting, researching and developing new and controversial technology and learning processes with artists, designers, (software) developers and hackers in Amsterdam and abroad since its founding in 2013.


On and Off the Grid event by Hackers & Designers -

Beginning as a cross-disciplinary meet-up community in Amsterdam, H&D has established a far reaching global network that has grown out of both workshops, talks and lectures abroad by bringing international talent to the Netherlands via the Hackers & Designers Summer Academy (HDSA), exhibitions and public programs.

Hackers & Designers is unique due to its hands-on and critical approach to making (opening up technology and appropriating it), the ability and intention to bring di erent disciplines together, the creation of a common language that is informed by critical cross-disciplinary discourse, and its focus on self-initiated working and learning structures.

They hosted the Get Prepped: On and Off the Grid event of 2017 at Mediamatic.

Contact information

  • Hackers & Designers