Delphine Bedel

Book Launch 'Performing Reality'

3 Tem 2010
3 Tem 2010

12 Artist's books / PUBLIC LECTURES: Seth Siegelaub and Daniel McClean / Q&A: with Seth Siegelaub, Daniel McClean, Delphine Bedel, James Goggin, Aernoud Bourdrez [Use-IP] & Yannick Bouillis [Shashin].


BEDEL_invitation_2010 - Book Launch 'Performing Reality', 2010 Delphine Bedel

Dutch Art Institute
The Dutch Art Institute (DAI) presents the Publications Project:

12 Artist's books, 16.00
PUBLIC LECTURES: Seth Siegelaub and Daniel McClean, 17.00
Q&A with Seth Siegelaub, Daniel McClean, Delphine Bedel, James Goggin, Aernoud Bourdrez [Use-IP] & Yannick Bouillis [Shashin], 18.30
Drinks, 19.00

Seth Siegelaub will speak about copyright and economic issues concerning independent radical publishing, including art books, based on his publishing experience with the Chilean book 'How to Read Donald Duck', the so-called 'Xeroxbook' and the 'Artist's Contract'. He will specifically address free access to information and the practical problems of distribution in a world of dominated by capitalist property values.

Daniel McClean will discuss copying in art, copyright law, and his role as both a curator and a lawyer, focusing on the tension between practices of copying in art and the constraints imposed upon these practices by copyright law. The recent project 'Free Sol LeWitt', which McClean co-curated with Superflex at the Van Abbemuseum questions models of authorship in art. He will also discuss important trials involving artists, including Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons.

Publisher: The Dutch Art Institute/ArtEZ
Collection editor: Delphine Bedel
Design editor: James Goggin
Distribution: Shashin Art Bookshop, Monospace Press

THE PUBLICATIONS PROJECT is a collection of artist's books issued by the Dutch Art Institute and designed in collaboration with the Werkplaats Typografie. International in its scope, this collection is a unique blend of printed matter. The 2010 edition consists of 12 publications edited by artist and curator Delphine Bedel. In close collaboration with one or more guest authors, artists and designers teamed up to produce an artwork in the form of printed matter. From very diverse perspectives the artists and designers reflect on publishing as a versatile medium. The publications vary from artist books, essays, poster series, performance artefacts and documentary investigations, to autofiction and collages.

DAI and WT are both master programmes of ArtEZ, one of the major arts educational institutes in the Netherlands. Gabriëlle Schleijpen, course director at the DAI, founded the Publications Project in 2003. It began as an experimental and innovative research and publishing platform aiming to address the specific process of artist books production, it is now an acclaimed editorial project.

ARTIST BOOKS: Lado Darakhvelidze, Taf Hassam, Jimini Hignett, Amanda Koelman, Izabela Oldak, Sevgi Ortaç, Julio Pastor, Viki Semou, Eva Schippers, Ruben van Klaveren, Renaldi Zefi, Veridiana Zurita.

GUESTS WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS: Emily E. Auger, Mounira Al Solh, Maria Barnas, James Beckett, Delphine Bedel, Lady Equitone, Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, Funda Bütüner, Jeremy Gilbert, Rob Hornstra & Arnold van Bruggen, Haejun Jo & Donghwan Jo, Annette Krauss & Petra Bauer, Aylin Kuryel, Pierre Leroux, Giorgi Maisuradze, Carlos Motta, Serazer Pekerman, Marco Pasi, Marko Peljhan, Spinvis (Erik de jong), Pelin Tan, Ad van Denderen, Lidwien van de Ven, Rob van Kranenburg, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Loïc Wacquant, Marta Zarzycka.

DESIGNERS: Goda Budvytytė, Ines Cox, Gregory Dapra, Anna Haas, Annett Höland, Simone Koller, Lu Liang, Joris van Aken, Boris van den Eynden, Isabelle Vaverka, Lidia Wilkosz.

INFO (launch online shop 15/07)