
Squirt DING

Museum Night 2017

4 Kas 2017
5 Kas 2017

Female ejaculation is still a thing. Is it normal? And what is it, really? For Secretopia, Mediamatic’s program series on bodily fluids, there’s no need to agree on its composition; it’s a product of your body, so it’s part of it! This Museum Night, we will investigate, under the expert guidance of designer/activist Isabelle Griffioen and director Olivier Jourdain.

Winner N8-Award Best Cultural Institution 2017

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Squirt DING -

Sacred Water

Often, squirting remains a fraught subject. In England and Australia, it’s even banned from porn. In Rwanda, female ejaculation is quite normal. Documentary filmmaker Olivier Jourdain shot a documentary on squirting in Rwanda entitled “Sacred Water”. During Museum Night, Mediamatic will show this film at various intimate locations throughout the entire Biotope. Find a comfortable spot and watch, for as long as you like, the cheerful stories of female sexuality in Rwanda.

For more information and pictures click here


Sacred Waters Film header - Sacred Water by Olivier Jourdain.  This is part of Museumnacht 2017 at Mediamatic.  Olivier Jourdain

Talkshow Between Bed and Sacred

Designer Isabelle Griffioen celebrates the power of sexual expression, and wants everyone to enjoy it. Female ejaculation is, according to Isabelle, a form of sexual expression. She would like to liberate female ejaculation from the male gaze. Olivier Jourdain, designer Isabelle and host Veerle Weustink will discuss the documentary 'Sacred Water' and the choices Olivier made. Together with surprise guests, who have hands-on experience, we will dive into the many stories and experiences surrounding the theme of squirting.

For more information and pictures, click here


Talk show Between Bed and Sacred - Isabelle Griffioen and Olivier Jourdain deliberating  on the subject of squirting at the talkshow, during Museumnight 2017. Anisa Xhomaqi

Femmes Fontaines Consultancy Firm

How do I do it? Do I have to? Help, my lover thinks it's gross! Should I be ashamed? All these questions and more can be discreetly discussed with Isabelle’s Consultancy Firm run by her team of Femmes Fontaines. These patient experts will be ready to answer all of your questions throughout the night, ranging from practical tips to an compassionate understanding. Typically, a one-on-one consult lasts 15 minutes.

For more information and pictures, click here.


Consultatie bureau Femmes Fontaines - Isabelle Griffioen -

Dessert from Squirt

The Hague star chef Louis Verlaan has a taste for experimentation in the kitchen. For this night only, he has created a dessert based on female ejaculate.


Lik het! - dessert from squirt - The Hague star chef Louis Verlaan is not afraid of experimentation in the kitchen and has specifically developed a unique dessert for Museumnacht 2017 based on the taste, smell and texture of female ejaculate. Willem Velthoven

Bed Girls

To break the taboo on squirting, Isabelle created the exhibition Bed Girls, for her final project at the Willem de Kooning Academy. The exhibition included a film in which she openly discussed masturbation with her mother and grandmother, as well as masturbation-friendly products, such as a ‘Do not disturb I’m discovering myself’ door sign. She wishes for young people to receive better education on masturbation and make them feel it is okay. During Museum Night, part of the exhibition can be seen at Mediamatic.

For more information and pictures, click here.


Bed Girls - Photographer: Jochem van Schip

Pure Gold

For men and brave women: Pure Gold is Mediamatic’s Pee Station. Outdoor peeing with brand new magical AV accompaniment by Kamiel Rongen.

For more information and pictures, click here.


Pis Pitstop during Museum night - Pis Pitstop at the Pure Gold installation during the Museumnight 2017. Anisa Xhomaqi


Museumnight: Squirt DING
Saturday 4 November
Talkshow Between Bed and Sacred | 19.30 tot 20.30
Femmes Fontaines |  20.30 tot 00.00
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: Website Museumnacht


View from Mediamatic Terrace during the Museum Night 2016 - Nemo's installation as seen from the Terrace of Mediamatic Eten during Museum night. Anisa Xhomaqi


Sacred Waters Still - Sacred Water by Olivier Jourdain.  This is part of Museumnacht 2017 at Mediamatic.  Olivier Jourdain


Screening Sacred Water - Visitors watching the Sacred Water documentary screening , during Museumnight 2017 at Mediamatic, inside the Haeckel Room. Anisa Xhomaqi


Screening Sacred Water - Visitors enjoying the Sacred Water documentary in a round-table instalment during Museumnight 2017.  Anisa Xhomaqi


Talk show Between Bed and Sacred - Isabelle Griffioen and Olivier Jourdain deliberating  on the subject of squirting at the talkshow, during Museumnight 2017. Anisa Xhomaqi


Squirt Consult - Femmes Fontaines giving guidance, answering questions and sharing their experiences with visitors in an intimate space inside the booths, during Museumnight 2017. Anisa Xhomaqi


Lik het! dessert in the making - The Hague  chef Louis Verlaan  in the process of serving a squirt-based dessert which he created for Museumnight 2017 at Mediamatic.  Anisa Xhomaqi


Lik het! dessert - A visitor trying the squirt-based desert during Museumnight 2017,  created by chef Louis Verlaan. Anisa Xhomaqi


Lik het dessert - The Hague star chef Louis Verlaan   has a taste for experimentation in the kitchen. For Museumnight 2017, he has created a dessert inspired on female ejaculate. Anisa Xhomaqi


Bed Girls Documentary Screening - Visitors enjoying the Bed Girls documentary screening during Museumnight 2017 Anisa Xhomaqi


Bed Girls interview - Artist Isabelle Griffioen interviewed at her installation Bed Girls , during Museumnight 2017. Anisa Xhomaqi


Pure Gold installation during Museumnight 2017 - Anisa Xhomaqi