
Meet Zeger Reyers

Discuss your work, ideas and obstacles with the artist

19 Nis 2018

A new breed of artists is on the rise. They work with living matter, nature and have a strong emphasis in biology and life sciences. In this emerging field of Bio-Art and Design there’s need for extensive collaboration. Not only between the different disciplines involved, but also between generations. That's why we invited renowned installation artist Zeger Reyers to become a Mediamatic Fellow. This means that he will be a regular attendee of the Mediamatic Biotoop, with scheduled consults for you to attend to. Exchange your ideas and sign up for a one on one with Zeger Reyers.


Zeger Reyers his new installation - Over 1000 plates were used in the new installation by Zeger Reyers. The work raises up throught the roof of our restaurant and all the way up the wall. Brigitte Hillenaar, Zeger Reyers


For Whom?

Are you stuck with your project? Close to finishing your finals at art academy? Do you need advice on how to work with organic matter? Or are you interested to learn what obstacles you encounter while producing living installations? The conversations with Zeger are meant for anyone who has a special interest in art and biology. But don't be surprised to end up in a conversation about distilling and old copper kettles, because Zeger is also a passionate fermentor of liqueurs.

Exchange your ideas

During the consults you will sit down with Zeger Reyers to discuss you work, ideas and challenges. You can expect an honest talk filled with (unwanted) advice and original ideas. The conversations will take place at our restaurant Mediamatic ETEN at the Biotoop. A great location for some thorough thought exchange.


Consult with Zeger Reyers - Anisa Xhomaqi

With: Zeger Reyers

Zeger Reyers

Zeger Reyers is a Dutch installation artist with a strong fascination for biological processes like eating and growing, budding, blossoming and dying. Using all sorts of living materials Zeger shows typical processes in different biotopes. He makes objects that are shaped by living materials, such as furniture and machines that are overgrown by mushrooms or chairs he sunk in the Oosterschelde that have been covered by mussels. And he is renowned for his rotating kitchen. Reyer's artworks provoke a new way of seeing these natural processes, by juxtaposing the human controllable versus natures uncontrollable.


'Mussel Chair' (Mosselstoel) - A chair was sunk in order for mussels to grow on it. A chair was sunk in the Oosterschelde in order for mussels to grow on it. This is the chair after having been removed from the water after 2 years of submersion. A chair was sunk in the Oosterschelde in order for mussels to grow on it. This is the chair after having been removed from the water after 2 years of submersion. Zeger Reyers

With: Zeger Reyers

Sign up

You can sign up for the monthly meetings with Zeger by sending your request to: