Karenina van den Crommenacker, Willem Velthoven
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Tempeh Ware ingredients testing. Wakame, Nori, Lime

What grows and tastes well?

Mediamatic grows experimental edible tableware out of various beans and lentils. We do that with the help of the fungus Rhizopus Oryzae in a process that is based on traditional Indonesian Tempeh. The fungus enhances the taste, structure and nutritious qualities of the beans whilst at the same time growing them into an edible bio material. The samples in this image are tests of growing in additional tasty foods: Wakame, Nori, Lime and Rhubarb. Since 2016, the Tempeh Ware programme is headed by Willem Velthoven and the tests in this image are grown are photographed by Karenina van den Crommenacker.