
Sneak Preview #1: Het Parfum

Play the future of Amsterdam

7 Ağs 2018

Do you want to help Mediamatic develop one of our largest events yet? Join our test run of Het Parfum. Play the Future! Mediamatic's first interactive smelling game, and playful activity during Uitmarkt 2018. 

We’re looking for people to test our new aromatic game, that's premiering at Uitmarkt 2018 (25 & 26 August). We ask you for ± 1 hour of your time to play the game, have some fun and give us your feedback! In exchange you get a free beer and delicious vegan pizza at Mediamatic ETEN (our restaurant)!

The testing takes place on Tuesday, August 7th, at 4pm. Spots are limited, so RSVP to secure your spot (and reserve that pizza!).

RSVP by clicking on this link Facebook


Smell Transplant Workshop - Participants trying other people's scent Anisa Xhomaqi

Mediamatic, in collaboration with The Institute for Art and Olfaction, Play the City and five perfumers, develop a sensuous game around city planning. Five tailor-made fragrances give expression to various prospective visions of the city. This interactive, social game explores the future of a much-debated area in Amsterdam’s city centre: the Navy Terrain. An increasing number of areas within the terrain are being opened up. The city of Amsterdam faces decisions about how to organise this space. This game explores the most likely scenarios and invites you to consider the possibilities of your favourite destination.

How do you play the future?
Buy one part of a fragrance formula for €0,50 and find other participants to complete your fragrance. Your favourite future scent will then be blended on the spot at one of the Mediamatic mixing stations.

The perfumers
Five perfumes for five future destinations. The fragrances are made, among others, by perfumer Spyros Drosopoulos, known for his perfume line Baruti, scent artist Maki Ueda, IFF perfumer and winner of the Art and Olfaction Awards Ricardo Moya, Niklaus Mettler (tbc), and Alessandro Gualtieri, the nose of perfume house Nasomatto.

The Institute for Art and Olfaction
The IAO was founded by Saskia Wilson-Brown in 2012 to promote public, artistic and experimental involvement around fragrance. They do this by initiating and supporting experimental projects, and promoting and supporting experimental perfumeries. With this they break through traditional conceptions and values from the world of fragrance.

Play the City
Play the City designs physical games as a method for decision-making in collaboration with different parties. Since 2010 they have developed games for topics such as affordable housing, circular economy, migration, transformation of the inner city and urban expansion.