
Scent and Movement

Odorama 28 - with Caro Verbeek, Frank Bloem, Amy Toner, Maroula Iliopoulou, Oliver Haller and Anna D Errico

11 Eki 2018

Just like the impact of movement on space, the impression of scent is hard to describe. Smells leave an invisible, yet dynamic trail. If we could visualise the behaviour of odourants, we would get a ballet of appearing and dissolving shapes. During this edition of Odorama on the 11th of October, we dive into the world of smell and movement with two performances and a designed scent-script.

Odorama is a collaboration between Mediamatic and Caro Verbeek. This evening is moderated by Frank Bloem.

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Anna D'Errico during Scent and Movement - Maxim Damper

Stedelijk Statements: Residency Amy Toner

During two weeks in October, Amy Toner will be in residency at Mediamatic, to work on her performance, that is also part of Stedelijk Statements, curated by Caro Verbeek. For this performance, that will be premiering at Odorama, Amy was inspired by F.T. Marinetti's poem Ritratto Olfattivo di una Donna 1932, (Olfactory Portrait of a Woman).

Amy Toner

Amy Toner is a choreographer and sensory practitioner. The primary concern of her work is exploring how the senses operate in performance, in particular the senses of smell, taste and touch. She seeks to engage these senses within a social-political context as a way of addressing social change. During this edition of Odorama, she performs together with Maroula Iliopoulou. Together they unpick key themes within the poem, including the relationship between smell, movement and gender. 

Anna D Errico 

Anna D Errico currently works at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics and the Goethe University, where she researches olfactory sensory coding and neural circuits in the brain cortex. That is: how the “smelling brain” works. Next to that, she is interested in the aesthetic dimensions and practical applications of scent in theatrical space. During this edition of Odorama, she analyses the use of scent, and olfactive perception in the performance space. She examines how smell can be included in both the space of the spectator and the actor, and explores the role of smell in modifying communication between them.

Oliver Haller

Oliver Haller is the head of the costume department of the national ballet. During Odorama he will speak about different ways and high tech possibilities to eliminate odours. He’ll introduce us to the world of scent eliminators such as pure vodka, the ozone box, or ‘Lotus Water’ (H2O3 instead of H20) and elaborate more on the unexpected scent-explosions that arise when various artists share one costume.

Caro Verbeek and Jorg Hempenius by Frank Bloem

Sometimes scents are of course the literal result of intense physical exercise and euphoria. Jorg Hempenius and Caro Verbeek reconstructed the smell of the dressing room of the national Dutch football team after their victory at the World Cup '88, on which Frank Bloem will elaborate more.


Odorama: Scent and Movement
Thursday 11 October
Program starts at 20.30
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: €7,50 pre-sale | €10 door | Students €5 (Excl. 1.10 Administration fee)