exhibition: Ruchama Noorda


by Ruchama Noorda

22 Tem 2019
28 Şub 2023

Tumulus is an enclosed garden installation that functions as a natural ruin, compost heap, soil sculpture, seed bed, earth work, dyeing source, and dunghill. Over the course of several seasons from June 2019 onwards, artist Ruchama Noorda transforms the patch of greenery next to our Sluisdeurenloods into a living sculpture and performance site.


Vegetative State - Ruchama Noorda

Tumulus is a cyclical weed-woad restoration project in several parts:

  1. Vegetative State
    June - mid-July '19
  2. Growth Imperative
    mid-July - Oct, with a dedication ceremony on September 13, 2019
  3. Dormant Lot
    Nov '19 - Feb '20
  4. Healing Property
    Mar - Aug '20
  5. Blue Monday
    Sept - Dec '20
    with a celebration of the autumnal equinox, September 21st, 2020
  6. Hibernating Winter Garden 
    Dec '20 - Mar '21
  7. Spring 
  8. Summer
  9. Autumn
  10. Romantic Ruin

Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam
The installation is located at the front of the Sluisdeurenloods.