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Cemetery Building Erlenbach Switzerland

by Andreas Fuhrimann and Gabrielle Hächler

A small outdoor space at the Erlenbach cemetery building features perforated aerated-concrete walls. Inside, coloured opaque glass creates a contemplative air.

Photo by Valentin Jeck

Built on an existing cemetery that lies on the shores of Lake Zurich in Switzerland, architects Andreas Fuhrimann and Gabrielle Hächler's Erlenbach cemetery building forms a dialogue with the site's church, but has a very different function. Conceived more as a pavilion, it underscores the quiet and intimate nature of the cemetery. Among the building's various internal spaces are a series of chapels of rest, which are accessed by a corridor that looks out on one side through full-height glazing onto the cemetery. Typical of the way that light throughout the project is controlled, coloured opaque glass provides a sense of atmospheric intimacy and while affording a degree of privacy. The architects describe the building's interior as 'introverted', which they see as 'allowing the necessary quiet for grief and saying goodbye'.