Saša Spačal 3000 x 2000 İndir


by Saša Spačal, Mirjan Švagelj and Anil Podgornik, Kibla 2013

“We are of the universe – there is no inside, no outside. There is only intra-acting from within and as part of the world in its becoming.” – Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway

Matter as such is always defined by the point of view, but what if the body of the viewer is no longer only one? Ecological communities of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and archaea that constitute the microbiome of human bodies indicate the plurality of human body that can no longer be seen as one but as many, as multiple. Multiplicity of body does not act as one, each biological entity has it’s own role that is enacted in collaboration with others or on it’s own. Enactment defines and activates entities needed for completing the act that environment calls for. At that moment the body emerges in intra-acting with the environment, at that moment the body becomes and is perceived as one, however it’s entities are always multiple and never the same in the next intra-act. Oneness of the body as such emerges only in the specific spacetime, where it intra-acts and than dissolves into multiplicity that awaits it’s new becoming.