
Growing Mushrooms - Summer Edition

with Wouter Hassing

14 Ağs 2020

Boring summer? Not at all. We take the holidays to make up for all the events that were cancelled due to Covid-19. August is summer workshop month at Mediamatic.

Would you like to know what it takes to grow your own mushrooms? During this workshop, fungi expert Wouter Hassing will teach you about the potential of mycelium and how to start mushroom cultivation. Go home with a bag of ready-to-sprout oyster mushrooms and starter knowledge on fungal strains, mycelium and production methods.

Tickets / Facebook


Oyster mushrooms peeping out of their bags with LED grow light. - In the Aquaponics hut we keet the temeperatures high by not ventilating too much in the cold season. But our plants need CO2. So we grow mushrooms in the same room. Mycelium produces CO2. So our plant feel good and we get to eat more mushrooms.

What you will do

The workshop will start with an informative session where Wouter introduces different growth media, substrates, cultivation methods and fungal strains, as well as the potential of mycelium. There will be enough time to ask any questions you might have about mushrooms. You will take home a bag of substrate to cultivate oyster mushrooms and with knowledge on how to extract spawn from fully grown mushroom.

Wouter Hassing

Wouter Hassing is a known expert in local mushroom cultivation. His company Mycophilia (in the Flevoland province) not only supplies local restaurants with Shiitake en Eryngii, but also serves as a platform for research and innovation. Wouter investigates low energy production methods and loves to find ways to make better use of mushrooms in the kitchen. During the workshop, he will gladly tell you about pulled pork from oyster mushrooms or shi-take ice cream.


Workshop: Growing Mushrooms
Friday, 14th of August, 15:00 - 17:00
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: Full price €45,- | Student / Artist / Stadspas €31,50* (incl. €1 administration costs)

*We give a discount to students, artists and Stadspas holders. If this applies to you we might ask to see your kvk nr/portfolio or student card for this option. For questions please e-mail

Attendance limited to 15 people. We maintain a minimum of 7 participants.

Please note that (unless everyone speaks Dutch) this workshop will be held in English.