Three Thursdays at 15:00, 30 minutes
Session 3 – March 18
The smell of diseases / the smell of health
For millennia doctors have tried to fight diseases – that were thought to manifest as bad smells - with fragrances. Many terms such as ‘malaria’ (mal’aria means bad air) are a reminder of this strategy, as are a whole range of scented objects such as pomanders, prayer nuts and powdered wigs. Besides that they also tried to diagnose and treat diseases with smell. We still use the sense of smell to recognise diseases but instead of medical professionals, dogs are now trained to recognise them. Many of the ingredients used to fight the plague are still to be found in our kitchen cabinets. See, hear and smell all about it and collect:
1. Vinegar
2. Nail polish remover/ spray paint
3. Nutmeg/ rosemary/ cinnamon/ cloves/ lavender
Kitchen Cabinet Smell Sessions with Caro Verbeek
March 4, 11, and 18 at 15:00
Via Zoom. You will receive the link one hour in advance.
Tickets full price 3,50 | Artist/student/stadspas 2,50
For further questions please email