
Free Academy with Kees Boele: Hortus Talk #3

Fungi Trail at the Hortus

25 Eyl 2022

The Hortus Talks is a botanical lecture tour recorded from the Hortus Greenhouse Room (and later broadcast via their podcast channel).
They engage in conversation with scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs who are concerned with nature. This season they take the listener & visitor into the world of mycelium.

Hortus Talks #3: Biologist and landscape expert Dr. Kees Boele comes swarming over mushrooms.

The Hortus Talks are organized and hosted by the Hortus as part of Fungi Trail, a collaborative program between the Hortus, Mediamatic and Micropia.


Yeast hunting workshop - Anisa Xhomaqi

Fungi Trail: traces of fungi in nature and culture

At the start of the new autumn season, we dive into the world of mycelia, fungi and fungi. The Fungi Trail is a program collaboration between the Hortus, Mediamatic and Micropia. From mid-September until October, podcasts, guided tours, workshops, dinners, children's activities and art projects will be organised, all focusing on fantastic fungi! For example, we're going fungal in the Hortus with a special series of Hortus Talks series full of fascinating guests. And there are special themed tours - also for children.

For more information, tickets, and to see the full program of the Hortus Talks, visit the Hortus website.

All the information on this page is re-shared from the Hortus website.