Philipp Kolmann, Thomas van der Sman

Rammed Earth Tables

Neo Futurist Dinner: Ears of Earth

The food for the Ears of Earth dinner is served on rammed earth tables created by artists Philipp Kolmann and Thomas van der Sman. Rammed earth is an ancient technique for building foundations, walls and floors. By compacting raw, natural materials such as dirt, lime, or gravel, rammed earth is considered a sustainable building practice. 

People who worked on these tables are Thomas van der Sman, Patricio Nusselder, Boris Lancelot, Jacques.

Photo Credit:Paula Prats and Sandra Ruiz


Ears of Earth on rammed earth tables - The Ears of Earth dinner will be served on rammed earth tables created by Phillipp Kolmann.  Photo credit: Paula Prats  Paula Prats