2400 x 1600 İndir

Ginevra Petrozzi portrait

Ginevra Petrozzi (Rome, Italy) is an interdisciplinary designer and artist currently living and working in The Netherlands. She completed her MA in Social Design from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2021, for which she received a Cum Laude, Best Thesis Award, and won the Gijs Bakker Award 2021.

Her work explores contemporary issues around care, futurity and algorithmic governance. Through critical research, writing and creative production she aims to make space for other ideas and forms of intelligence, knowledge and wisdom (both human, non-human and digital). Currently, she is exploring the possibilities of mysticism and the occult within the landscape of contemporary techno-politics. In this framework, she took the role of a “digital witch”, reclaiming the archetypal role of the sorceress as a healer, and as a political rebel.

She is part of the duo Xsenofemme, and has recently exhibited/collaborated with Stedelijk Museum, RAUM, IMPAKT Platform, Waag, MU Hybrid Art House, Het Nieuwe Instituut, World Design Embassies, The Hmm, Design Academy Eindhoven, among others.