
Sound, Space, Sex

Project Presentation with Renata De Bonis, Samar Khan and Lena Kuzmich

9 Şub 2023

Nature is dualistic: it can be beautiful yet display ugliness, safe but also dangerous, kind and at the same time cruel. Nature can teach us a lot about who we are and how the world around us is organized. It can provide insight into its beautifully balanced systems but also reflect the harshness of life. 


Morphology of Sprout Leaves detail1 - Form der Keimblätter ca. 1850 German lithograph ca 1850 courtesy Wellcome Collection Publication: M. Formerg, Blattformen Tafel 1 : Lithographie, druck u. verlag von C. C. Meinhold & Sōhne, Dresden c. 1850 Lettering transcription: Form der keimblätter. Bohne - Vicia faba, Eiche - Quercus sessiliflora, Hafer - Avena sativa,  Reference: Wellcome Library no. 28434i

With today’s concern for the environment, we often see nature as a guiding system. Lena Kuzmich takes inspiration from mycelium to obtain a better understanding of kinship.  Renata de Bonis explains the danger fungi has created upon horny cicadas, and Samar Khan questions our relationship with nature by allowing plants to lead our movements.

Expanding Kin

Lena Kuzmich uses photography and video to sketch alternate visions of society. For Expanding Kin, they created a video installation to explore the possibilities that cross species knowledge could offer, placing mycelium as the protagonist.


Installation mock-up for Expanding Kin by Lena Kuzmich - Mock-up for the video installation „Expanding Kin“ by Lena Kuzmich. The installation will consist of a curved 4m wide screen and seating islands designed in cooperation with the Mushroom Research Center Austria. The islands will be made out of dead mycelium blocks and other materials infused with living mycelium to grow mushrooms on site.   Lena Kuzmich

Sex, drugs and death serenades

Renata de Bonis works across different mediums in an attempt to promote critical reflections on the status of our current relationship with the environment. Sex, drugs and death serenades investigates the effects of fungi on cicadas’ libido. You will never perceive the summer song the same way again. 


Cicadas - credits: Renata De Bonis

Plants as Spatial Choreographers

Samar Khan organises performative events that investigate the human-nature relationship. With Plants as Spatial Choreographers, he asks us to pay more attention to the environment. The purpose is not only to notice, recognise and respect the space we take, but also to realise how much we take from nature. 


immersion path - credits: Samar Khan.jpg Samar Khan


Sound,Space, Sex
Thursday the 9th of February 2023
20.00 – 22:00


€12,50 | Student / Artist / Stadspas €8,75*
Including a drink

To all three editions?
€25 | Student / Artist / Stadspas €17,50*

Also in this series

Dying, Caring, Encore!
Thursday the 26th of January 2023
Grieving, Healing, Laughing
Thursday 23rd of February 2023


Mediamatic | Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
1019 BS, Amsterdam

*We give a discount to students and artists. If this applies to you we will ask to see your KVK number /portfolio or student card. For questions, please send an email to

Penny For Your Thoughts

There is something uniquely inspiring when looking into artistic processes that are still in progress: unpolished, experimental and open-ended. Penny for your Thoughts is our project nursery, where we stimulate project proposals by offering them a stage.



Sound, Space, Sex. Penny for your Thoughts presentation - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo


Suzanne introducing the second edition of Penny for your Thoughts - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo


Sound, Space, Sex. Penny for your Thoughts presentation. Renata De Bonis - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo


Sound, Space, Sex. Penny for your Thoughts presentation. Lena Kuzmich - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo

With: Lena Kuzmich

Sound, Space, Sex. Penny for your Thoughts presentation. Samar Khan - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo

With: Samar Khan