
Distilling a Scent Bouquet

with Frank Bloem

10 Eyl 2023

During this workshop, you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. Using your own or materials from the Mediamatic grounds, you will distill your own artistic essential oil.



Participant extracting essential oil from hydrosol - Alice Gimpel


What you will do

In this workshop, you will be introduced to the process of distilling. With the plants that grow on the Mediamatic grounds or the waste from the kitchen of Mediamatic, you will form scent bouquets that can be distilled into an essential oil. Participants are encouraged to bring their own materials according to their inspiration (f.e past experiments have included using lard, fungi and horse hair). After learning about different distilling techniques, combining raw materials and eventually extracting the scent, you will take home a tiny bottle of a 10% solution in alcohol.

Frank Bloem

Frank Bloem is an artist who uses scent as his primary medium. He studied Fine Arts at the Rietveld Academy. In the summer of 2016, Frank changed his focus from visual art to olfactory-based works and started The Snifferoo. This perfume laboratory is a place for education and experiments around scent. He made several personalised perfumes, hosts regular workshops, and has recreated the elephant smell of Artis, the Amsterdam Zoo.


Full price €70 | *Discount price €49
*We give a discount to students, stadspas and artists. If this applies to you we might ask to see your kvk nr/portfolio or student card for this option.


10th of September, 11:00-14:00
We maintain a minimum of 4 participants.
Please note that, unless everyone speaks Dutch, this workshop will be held in English.
For questions, please send an email to

Read our ticket terms and conditions here.


Bouquet of flowers from Hortus Dijkspark ready to be distilled -


Participants picking herbs for their distillation experiment - Alice Gimpel


Frank letting participant smell herbs - Alice Gimpel


Distilling hair, fat and mushrooms brought by a workshop participant -


Portrait: Frank Bloem - Smelling like another being trial Frank Bloem was the host of our trial workshop 'Smelling like another being' with our other Mediamatic guests. Here, our interns and Mediamatic collaborators joined to take a first glance of what the workshop would look like, so he guided them into this variety of smells. 'Smelling like another being' is a workshop hosted by our lecturer Frank Bloem, which promotes awareness about the diversity of species in our ecosystem by smelling. This workshop consists of creating scents in a lab using… Andrea Valdivia


Various materials to distil -


Participants in aroma lab with aromatic materials - Alice Gimpel


Distillation workshop - creating interesting scents -


Herbs to be chopped up and made into essential oil - Alice Gimpel


Thin vial with hydrosol and essential oil on top - Alice Gimpel


Participants working in the aroma lab - Alice Gimpel


Frank explaining the distillation machine - Alice Gimpel


participant smelling their essential oil - Alice Gimpel

With: Frank Bloem

participant showing their essential oil - Alice Gimpel

With: Frank Bloem

vial with hydrosol and blue essential oil on top - Alice Gimpel


Frank Bloem working in the Aroma Lab -