
Weekend van de Wetenschap

7 Eki 2023
8 Eki 2023

This year we are also participating in Weekend van de Wetenschap (Weekend of Science)! Discover how much fun innovation and technology is, with us and our neighbors. We have a fun program for young and old, come along! Get green fingers in our garden and discover the natural treasures hidden around Mediamatic. From exploring intriguing plants in Aquaponics, to exploring what your nose can tell you in our aroma lab, to up close drawing of mushrooms: come join!

All events and workshop during the Weekend van de Wetenschap are free to join. It is important to regisiter following the links below because there is limited places.

Check the full program of our hotspot!


Weekend van de Wetenschap 2022 - Vieze en Lekkere geuren Maken -

Ernst Haeckel Fungi Colouring 

To see the beauty of Ernst Haeckel's art inspired by science, take the time to colour in this naturalist's original illustrations of microscopic life. Celebrate these fantastically fungal illustrations by bringing them from black and white to making your own colourful creations!

Free admission, walk-in


Vieze en Lekkere Geuren Maken

Have you ever wanted to make the smell of a fart? Or of birthday cake? Or of your favorite flower? Come by the Aroma lab on Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 or 14.00 to start and learn about smell and how to create scents with our workshop tutor Martine Albitrouw-Segijn. 

Free admission, reservation required


Observational Plant Drawing

Seeing is knowing is seeing is knowing...

A biology, foraging and drawing workshop in one! Together with biologist and artist Annemarie Verschoor, you will be guided through the different dimensions of plants and their anatomy, and you will exercise to recognise, draw, and understand the many shapes and lines of plants. 

Free admission, reservation required


Water research in the Mediamatic Biotoop

At Mediamatic, we have a remarkable greenhouse. In our Aquaponics greenhouse, plants and fish coexist, providing each other with nourishment and clean water. Recently, we're not only supplying the plants with clean tap water, but also salty water from the canal.

Do you know what it takes to cultivate your own vegetables, herbs, and flowers? Would you like to learn how we ensure that plants and fish can live together and adapt to saltwater? If so, come by Mediamatic's aquaponics greenhouse for an interactive tour and delve deeper into topics like food, water quality, salinity, and sustainability. During the tour, you'll have the opportunity to conduct water tests, feed the fish, and sample the plants, among other activities.

Free admission, reservation required


Face Nature

Madeline Schwartzman, writer, artist, and educator from New York, experiments with the fusion of human and non-human nature. Using her body and face she animates plants and flowers  gathered from parks and forests wherever she goes. Walk around the Mediamatic Biotoop and discover the video works.

Free admission, walk-in


Open Tour

Get a glimpse behind the scenes, peek inside our sensorial labs, and learn more about the bio-art installations around the Biotoop during our weekly tour!

During the tour, you'll get the chance peek inside our labs, in which we explore the possibilities of bio-materials for design, science and art. We will take you to the Clean lab, where we are currently focusing on the use of waste materials, as a source for new material. You get an introduction in the Aroma lab, our open perfume workshop and scent library where scent is explored as an artistic medium. And you will get to see our Aquaponics greenhouse, where we grow herbs and edible flowers for our restaurant in a sustainable way. 

Free admission, reservation required