Linxia Auzannet (she/her), Sophia Beckmann (she/her)

Way Finding

How to continue the project and fix any potential problem related

For the past few months, the graphic design team has tried to develop a way finding inside and outside the Mediamatic building through simple processes. After many propositions, we've started to hang up the first signs in the building but few of them still need to be done.


Way Finding on the Tuinkamer window, 2023 -


Explanation for positioning signage on window -


Explanation for positioning signage on window 02 -

We’ve decided to use the white vinyl on the inside of the building, specially for the windows. We also have to implant the wayfinding on some bricks wall and for that point, we'll use some 'glossy acrylic material' sign from snijlab. This last one has to be ordered and glued on the wall.

We've done some different floor plans with the signs to implant all around the building, starting from the different roads. Those sign need to be ordered on the 'dibond' material from DVC. They're specially design to guide the customers with different arrows direction (see the images below).

We created a Google Sheet file that references and classifies all the different important points for the signage (font size, how to put it on, spacing…)