
Piss Soap Workshop

with Arthur Guilleminot

29 Eki 2023

What is clean, what is dirty? Can an object be made out of “disgusting” material but be beneficial to our health? Come and join artist Arthur Guilleminot to create your own Piss Soap and realign your vision on discarded matter. 



Piss Soap x Mediamatic -

What you will do

In this workshop, the basics of ecodeviance will be presented and exemplified throughout the process of saponification (process of converting esters into soaps). You will review the possibility for local and tangible regenerative design, circular ecology and how to tackle the climate crisis while providing cleaning products.

The workshop will present the full process of saponification and the steps required to transform domestic waste into usable soap. You will mix the various ingredients and create a circular process informed by waste management, having the opportunity to create intimate and personal outcomes from your own (bio) waste. 

For this workshop you can bring your own urine to use for creating your soap. At the end of the workshop, everybody will come back home with 750g of soap to cure at home. After the 3 months needed to its complete maturation, the soap will be ready to be used for washing.


Piss Soap - create your own deviant soap -

Arthur Guilleminot

Arthur Guilleminot is an ecodeviant artist and positive maverick that practices fertile and generative disobedience. Intersecting disciplines such as design, performance, fashion, and visual art, he creates provocative visuals and vulnerable semantics, casting transilient pleasureful futures for our world. He proposes radically regenerative approaches to meet our present and persistent need for change. After his art studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, his work is currently researching tools for decolonizing disgust, through “Camp” aestheticism and buffoonery. These tools can be used to explore and harvest the subtleties of disgust to make us kinder in trusting our visceral impulses, disregarding imposed norms of being and keeping an active hope.


Full price: €57
Discount price: €40*

*We give a discount to students, artists and Stadspas holders. If this applies to you we might ask to see your kvk nr/portfolio or student card for this option.


Time: 14.00-17.00

Attendance limited to 12 people. We maintain a minimum of 5 participants.
Please note that this workshop will be held in English.
For questions please e-mail

Read our ticket terms and conditions here.

The Piss Soap Workshop is made possible with support from the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts


Piss Soap Ingredients -