
T - Building Aquaponic Systems (new)

with Saro Van Cleynenbreugel

1 Oca 4300

Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It stands out as an excellent method for urban food production due to its minimal space requirements and water efficiency. In this workshop led by Saro Van Cleynenbreugel, you will discover how to build a miniponics system, a compact home version of the larger aquaponics tower. This system allows fish excrement to serve as nourishment for plants, while plants, in turn, purify the water for the fish. Not a single drop of water goes to waste.



mini aquaponicsystem - This aquaponics system is made during the workshop Margherita Soldati

Workshop Highlights

-Introduction to Aquaponics: Your journey begins with a comprehensive introduction to aquaponics and a guided tour through the picturesque Dijkspark and our very own Aquaponics Garden.
-Hands-On Building: Collaborate with the group to construct an aquaponics farm from scratch. This hands-on section equips you with the basics of plumbing and carpentry skills.
-Ecosystem Insights: Gain a deep understanding of how the aquaponic ecosystem works. Learn about the role of natural bacteria in converting fish waste into valuable plant food, creating a harmonious and sustainable cycle.
-Biological Basics: Delve into the fundamentals of biology as they relate to aquaponics - a natural food-producing method.

What is aquaponics?

To provide clarity, we refer to the Aquaponic Gardening Community's definition: "Aquaponics is the art of cultivating fish and plants in a closed, circular ecosystem. It harnesses natural bacteria to transform fish waste into nutrient-rich plant food. This environmentally friendly method combines the best elements of aquaculture and hydroponics, eliminating the need for water drainage and filtration. Discover how our Mediamatic Aquaponics team is currently creating an urban oasis using this eco-friendly system. You can explore the results of our efforts during our open tours.

Saro Van Cleynenbreugel

Saro is coordinating the Aquaponics project at Mediamatic. In 2014 we started to build the aquaponic system and since then Saro has strongly contributed to transform the system into a serious urban oasis in which we conduct research into the urban farming system, and grow herbs and vegetables for our restaurant. He says: "I prefer working on projects that evolve the consciousness on this planet. I know we can do better. We just have to realise the importance and the logic of doing so". 


Price:  €95 /person
Discount Price for artist/student: €70 /person


00th of month
Duration: 4.5 hours
Maximum number of participants: 12
Minimum number of participants: 6
Please note that unless everyone speaks Dutch, this workshop will be held in English.

For questions, please e-mail
Read our ticket terms and conditions here.


Building Aquaponics - Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space. The fish poo feeds the plants, and the plants clean the water for the fish. Not a drop is wasted. In this workshop you will learn how to build miniponics system. A miniature, home-edition of the bigger Aquaponics towers.


Building Miniponics system as a team - During the Building Aquaponics Systems workshop


Building Aquaponics systems workshop - Making a miniponics setup


Participant building the aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


How to build your DIY aquaponics system - Saro gives a workshop in how to build an aquaponics system


Participants at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Tools at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant using tools at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant using tools at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant at aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant admiring their finished aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant admiring the finished aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participants admiring the finished aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participants starting on their top growbed - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participants reading the manual during the Building Aquaponics Workshop - Jiyoung Lee


Saro during the Building Aquaponics Workshop - Jiyoung Lee


Saro explaining the structure during the Building Aquaponics Workshop - Jiyoung Lee


Building Aquaponics Workshop - Jiyoung Lee


Manual of the Building Aquaponics Workshop - Jiyoung Lee