Walter van Beirendonck
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Wat denk je Zelf? A/artist Museumnacht 2023 image

The motto of Mediamatic presentation for Museumnight 2023 is hard to translate into English. Literally, it means "What do you think yourself?" but in Dutch it is often used rethorically and means "Make up your own mind" or "I don't think so" or even "Are you out of your mind?". Next to our A/artist mascotte borrowed from Walter van Beirendonck.

Van Beirendock designed this doll to accompany the "A Magazine N°A" Curated by Dirk Van Saene published event mode2001 Geland/Landed in Antwerp in 2001. We have adopted it als our mascot for the A/artist project. Thank you Walter!

Puppet Ragdoll on a white background